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Lost Girl Series Article
Black background with slender sans-serif words "LOST GIRL" amid curving wisps of bluish-white fog resembling long hair, and the more solid curve of a female form laying on its side.
Character Article

Lost Girl Series Articles

Lost Girl Series Characters

Lost Girl Series Episodes
Lost Girl character
Lachlan, The New Ash
Lachlan, The New Ash
First appearance

I Fought the Fae (And the Fae Won)
Last appearance

Lachlan's Gambit
Portrayed by

Vincent Walsh
Aliases The Ash / The New Ash
Species Nāga
Gender Male
Spouse(s) None
Children None
Relatives Unrevealed
Appeared In 14 Episodes
+ Many References
Aligned None
Fate Killed by The Garuda
in battle

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.

For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.

Lachlan was the name of a character that appeared in the Lost Girl television series who took the position of The Ash, generally referred to as The New Ash, in the Second Season of the series. He was not Fae in nature, but was a Nāga and the enemy of The Garuda. The role was played by the actor Vincent Walsh. He first appeared in the Second Season episode I Fought the Fae (And the Fae Won) where he was involved in the competition for the position of The Ash which ended in his being the winner and proclaimed to be The New Ash.

His final appearance in the series, was in the second season episode, Lachlan's Gambit. In this episode, he was in a final confrontation with The Garuda and after a short battle was killed by it when his head was cut off. This event marked the end of Lachlan's appearances in the series, but the after effects of his actions still haunt Bo, Trick, Dyson, Lauren and the others that were involved. Besides his numerous appearances in the Second Season, he was referenced in almost every episode between his first and last appearances. With his death and that of The Garuda, it is unlikely that he will return to the series in any form.

Character History

Lachlan's first appearance was in the Second Season episode I Fought the Fae (And the Fae Won). He was not named in this episode and Bo referred to him as "Mr. Green Band." He was one of the candidates for the position of The Ash in the aftermath of Aife's attack at the end of the first season in Blood Lines where she killed or injured most of the Light Fae leadership to provoke a war. With the apparent severe injury or death of the previous Ash, a contest was announced and Lachlan took part in it. After making it through the first round of the contest, he won The Stag Hunt which involved hunting a Fae. He shot the Fae with a bow and arrow, seemingly killing her and claiming the position of The Ash. Through this episode he came in contact with Bo for the first time and their strained relationship began.

His next appearance was in Scream a Little Dream where he had been installed as the New Ash and began changing the position to his liking. He came between Lauren and Bo, severing their relationship and forbidding them from seeing each other again without his permission which only served to anger Bo further. He informed Bo that he was the new Ash and was a stickler for protocol as well. Bo learns that everything that the old Ash owned is Lachlan's and that included Lauren's lab and Lauren as well which resulted in his treating Lauren like chattel. He offered Bo the chance to work for him in a freelance capacity, but she would do what he told her to, however Bo refuses this bluntly.

In Mirror, Mirror, Bo and Dyson go to see the Lachlan, Bo asking for his help to save Kenzi. His comments that if it was him he would just go and find another human to replace her angering Bo. Bo offered to accept the deal Lachlan made in the previous episode on the condition that Bo is able to get Kenzi home alive. He provides a means to do so and Bo begins to work for him through the rest of the season.

In BrotherFae of the Wolves, Lauren tells Bo that Lachlan is placing all humans that are not working their living quarters and sealing them there. Lachlan does not know that Lauren is at Bo's home and she is not sure what he would do to both of them if he found out. Regardless of that, Bo gives Lauren sanctuary at her home. Bo delivers a Fae who is a Mongolian death worm to Lachlan and asks him to protect her after the events of the episode. Lachlan gloats over the arrangement that he has with Bo, but Bo refutes this saying that she didn't do this because of any arrangement. When Lachlan dismissed Velma, the Fae that Bo brought him, as a thing, Bo chastises Lachlan for what he says telling him that Velma is a person and should be treated as such. Lachlan asks what he would get in return for treating Velma well, and Bo answers that it would make Velma's friends happy and that she is a friend of Velma's. Lachlan grudgingly agrees to treat her like a person. When Bo does not say thank you immediately, Lachlan prods her to, and she does curtly. As Bo leaves, the Ash asks how Lauren is, and Bo replies that she hasn't heard from her in days. The Ash seems unconvinced, but lets her answer pass.

Original Skin found Lauren possessed by a Fae prisoner who threatened Lachlan's life. Dyson, who was in Kenzi's body, confronted them and saved Lachlan's life. Afterwards Lachlan opened a lock box containing various items. After removing some, he opeed a section in the bottom of it to reveal what appeared to be his own severed head, the skin grey and lifeless.

Raging Fae gave rise to a conflict between Dyson and Lachlan when Dyson asks for permission to close an illegal fighting ring down. Lachlan refuses and tells Dyson to drop the investigation or he will find things unpleasant for him. Dyson acknowledges the Ash's orders and then leaves. Afterwards Lachlan visits the Fae who was running the ring and when Lachlan learns from the Fae that he has been feeling a darkness within him and it seems to be growing and attacks the Fae showing his mouth having jagged teeth and apparently killing the Fae.


With Lachlan's death his arc came to an end but the effects of his actions were not finished. In the Second Season finale Flesh and Blood, Bo used Lahlan's venom to kill The Garuda when it possessed Trick. This resulted in Trick's death but she was able to revive Trick by using an ampul of life energy he had given Bo for her own protection. The impact of this decision was felt though the Third Season of the series.

Lachlan's death brought an end to the character appearing in the series. It is unlikely that he will return to the series save for possible flashbacks, but this is unlikely.

Powers and Abilities

Lachlan was a Naga, but his precise abilities and powers were not made very clear in the series. It was seen at several points that he could transform his teeth and mouth causing sharp and jagged fangs to appear at will. It can be assumed that when this happened it was possible for him to strike like a snake and deliver his poison through his teeth. There was evidence of his having a total of five heads, four of which Bo discovered in a lock box that Lachlan held. It is unclear if Lachlan appeared with all of his heads at once, or if as each was cut off another appeared in its place. Lachlan did state that his fifth head was his last and if that was removed it would mean the end of his life.

Lachlan's venom was one of the only substances that could kill The Garuda. Apparently his other heads were removed in order for the venom to be used in the past. It is unclear if this was to kill other Garuda or for other purposes.

It was also shown in the series that Lachlan was very skilled at using a bow and a sword. He also was very manipulative, held strong opinions and did not have a very positive view of humanity as a whole.

Appearances in the Lost Girl Series

Information revealed in the series

  • He is a Naga.
  • He had five heads, but at the time of his appearance in the series had one left.
  • His body produces a venom that is deadly to Garuda.
  • That venom cannot exist for long outside of his body.
  • He was crowned The New Ash when he won a contest called The Stag Hunt.
  • He has a tendency to bring others to anger with his comments.
  • He has a poor view of humans calling them chattel.
  • For the most part, he remained in the shadows to hide from The Garuda, ordering Bo to perform tasks for him.
  • He seemed to be more interested in gathering information and giving it out when it suited him.
  • Nāga refers to a group of serpent deities in Hindu and Buddhist mythology. The great nemesis of the Nāgas in the Mahabharata is the gigantic eagle-king Garuda. You can learn more about this legend here. In the Lost Girl universe, Lachlan is described as a Nāga, and according to what he reveals to Bo, he had five heads upon his body, calling them his brothers. It is possible that Lachlan could be more accurately described as a Hydra, but this is unclear. It is also possible that Lachlan is meant to be the representation of the Vedic religious God known as Varuna.
  • The Ash asked Bo to be his champion against the Garuda, and she agreed to do so on her terms.
  • Lachlan used Ryan as a source for rare and special devices when he was The Ash.
  • Towards the end of his arc, Lachlan and Trick joined forces to oppose The Garuda through the actions of Hale
  • The Garuda, when it is close to Lachlan, apparently effects him as being a Naga, he is its enemy.
  • Lachlan was told by the Nain Rouge that Bo would defeat The Garuda.
  • Lachlan is killed by The Garuda by having his head cut off.
  • His venom is saved by Lauren who gives it to Bo. She then uses it to kill The Garuda when it possesses Trick.

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