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Sleeping Beauty School

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Lost Girl Series Article
Black background with slender sans-serif words "LOST GIRL" amid curving wisps of bluish-white fog resembling long hair, and the more solid curve of a female form laying on its side.
Episode Article

Lost Girl Series Articles

Lost Girl Series Characters

Lost Girl Series Episodes
"Sleeping Beauty School"
Lost Girl episode
Baby Tamsin gives Kenzi and Dyson some attitude
Episode no. Season 4
Episode 2
Overall Episode 50
Directed by Steve Dimarco
Written by Alexandra Zarowny
Produced by Vanessa Piazza
Featured Music See Section Below
Cinematography by Craig Wright
Editing by Paul Day
Production Code 402
Original Air Date November 17, 2013 (2013-11-17)
Length 60 minutes (runtime)
Guest Actors

Paul Amos - Vex
Mia Kirshner - Cleo
Ali Liebert - Crystal
Benjamin Ayres - Eddy
Cynthia Preston - Selene
Ava Preston - Baby Tamsin
Eliana Jones - Teen Tamsin

Episode Chronology
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"In Memoriam"
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"Lovers. Apart."

Short Summary List of Lost Girl Episodes
Detailed List of Lost Girl episodes

Tamsin is found, but not quite as she was. Dyson goes in search of Bo while Hale and Kenzi have a moment

SuccuWiki Rating: 0.0 (0.0)

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.

For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.

Sleeping Beauty School was the second episode of the fourth season of the series, and the fiftieth overall episode of the Canadian television series Lost Girl. It was first shown on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada on November 17th, 2013 at 10 PM Eastern time.

Production Data

  • Series: Lost Girl
  • Season: 4
  • Episode Number: 2 (50th Overall)
  • Episode Title: Sleeping Beauty School
  • Directed by: Steve Dimarco
  • Writing credits: Alexandra Zarowny
  • Production Company: Prodigy Pictures
  • Running Time: 60 Minutes (Including Commercials)
  • Country of Origin: Canada
  • Originally Aired on: November 17th, on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada
  • Number of Canadian Viewers: TBA
  • Number of American Viewers: TBA


A promotional Image of the Season Four cast of Lost Girl from the official website at showcase.ca/lostgirl From left to right: Richard Howland as Trick, Ksenia Solo as Kenzi, Rachel Skarsten as Tamsin, Anna Silk as Bo, Kristen Holden-Reid as Dyson, Zoie Palmer as Lauren and K.C. Collins as Hale.
Actor / Actress Role
Anna Silk Bo
Kristen Holden-Ried Dyson
Ksenia Solo Kenzi
Richard Howland Trick
K.C. Collins Hale
Zoie Palmer Lauren
Paul Amos Vex
Mia Kirshner Cleo
Ali Liebert Crystal
Christine Horne Dungeon Master
Benjamin Ayres Eddy
Cynthia Preston Selene
Ava Preston Baby Tamsin
Eliana Jones Teen Tamsin
Chloe Sullivan Beauty School Girl #1
Sarah Claire Alan Beauty School Girl #2
Farah Merani Astrid
Linzee Barclay Handmaiden
Danya Nearon Truck Driver
Adam Casidy Monk

Music in this Episode

Song Title Artist Notes
She's A Goddess Rick Howland Written by Rick Howland
This One's For You Courtesy of APM Music
Dusk In Delphi Courtesy of APM Music
Dancing With The Devil Life Bitter Soul featuring
Diana Studenberg
Written by Joshua Pinkerton
and Diana Studenberg
Country Girl At Heart Courtesy of APM Music
Comin' Back To You Courtesy of APM Music


Short Summary

Trick has survived Aife’s attack and deduces through items that Kenzi retained after the previous episode, that Bo is no longer on the same physical plane as everyone else is. Bo is seen travelling on a old train through an impenetrable darkness, destination unknown, her memories unclear and unfocused, but they appear to be slowly returning as she remembers Kenzi’s name. Dyson finds a young girl while searching for Tamsin and it appears to be Tamsin reborn, but she seems to have no memories of her past life. Dyson asks Kenzi to look after her in hope that over time Tamsin’s memories will return. Kenzi discovers the Wanderer card through Tamsin touching it, though the card bursts into flame and is damaged. Kenzi loses all of the compound that Massimo made for her when Tamsin flushes all of it down the toilet and is forced to go to him for more and Tamsin is left unprotected. The Una Mens have set up their home in what was the Ash’s compound. Vex is interrogated by the Una Mens and in order to survive, he makes a deal to give them Bo, who they are looking for. In an attempt to find Bo, Dyson and Hale see a Fae named Selene and eventually are directed to a Fae named Eddy who can traverse dimensions and take them to Bo. Dyson frees him from Selene’s hold, but discovers later that in fact Eddie is a female Fae who he has met before named Cleo. She is in fact an Elemental who helps Dyson to board a Death Train which appears to be the same kind of train that Bo was seen on earlier. Lauren is working in a diner and is making a mess of things, but has become involved with one of the waitresses that work there. While working she saves the life of a Fae in front of another waitress who films it. However, the waitress removes the video as she is attracted to Lauren. Lauren contacts Dyson and wants to return, but Dyson tells her that she is still wanted and needs to remain hidden. Hale decides to tell Kenzi how he feels and Kenzi returns Hale’s affections, but are interrupted by Tamsin aging and are not able to express their feelings to each other. Bo manages to escape the Train she was on, jumping off it into the void, destination unknown and fate uncertain.

Detailed Summary

The episode opens with Trick (Richard Howland) performing a ceremony of some kind in order to attempt to divine the location of Bo by sprinkling some red powder on a photograph of Bo and asking her to reveal to him where she is. Elsewhere, Dyson (Kristen Holden-Ried) arrives at the location where Tamsin was last seen and begins another search for her. He has another flashback to the moment when he and Tamsin encountered The Wanderer and then the scene is shown of the two of them going over the cliff in Tamsin's truck. After the flashback ends, Dyson hears something moving in the brush nearby and goes to investigate. Pausing by some dense foliage, he calls out that he knows someone is there and they should come out into the open. When they do not, he reaches his hand into the brush and then has his hand scratched by whomever is hiding. After telling whoever it is that he will: "not hurt you. Much." Dyson pulls a young girl (Ava Preston) from her cover who has long blonde hair and has a slightly wild look in her eyes.

After the opening credits, Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) is seen in Bo's bedroom making sure that everything is exactly the way Bo normally has things, but also a collection of things that Bo likes such as champagne, chocolate, "both lube and actual chocolate" and she also talks about having "a lead on some Victoria's Secret models. And I'm not talking catalog hun. I'm talking runway. Angel quality." Dyson then appears behind her and asks Kenzi what she is doing. Kenzi explains that she has collected all of Bo's favourite things. Dyson reminds Kenzi that they haven't found Bo yet, but Kenzi answers: "It's only a matter of time." Kenzi asks about the last place Bo was seen, which was Taft's observatory where she and Dyson where held, but Dyson tells her that there are no leads there. When asked if Hale or Trick have found anything, Dyson again tells Kenzi there are no leads, but they are all looking for Bo. Kenzi makes an off-hand joke that Bo didn't "disappear into nothing" as she places Bo's kimono on her bed and wonders if Bo is: "Super pumped from super sucking to death whatever assfart took her." Dyson tells Kenzi she is probably right and Kenzi's answer is: "Of course I am." She then leans against Bo's bed and sighs "Course I am" as Dyson looks at her in concern. Kenzi, in a halting voice asks Dyson to tell her that they have a lead and he replies: "Why don't you come downstairs."

Upon entering the main floor of Bo's home and seeing the young girl, Kenzi comments: "Oh my God it's MiniMe." Dyson explains that he found her at the site of the car crash and Kenzi wonders if the girl saw the crash, but Dyson comments: "I think she was in the crash." Kenzi replies: "You have to be shitting me." as the young girl waves at her and eats some crackers. Dyson explains: "Valkyries have many lives" Kenzi adds: "I figured she'd be more like... cloney." Dyson goes on to explain that Tamsin was the last person to see Bo and that when she was driving the truck before the accident she mentioned Bo's father and it is possible that Tamsin might know something about Bo's father. Kenzi suggests that they "go all interrogation on her and find out if she is for real." As the young girl picks up a large kitchen knife and begins to draw a finger along the sharp edge, Dyson warns Kenzi that might be a bad idea as she might lash out at them, and Kenzi reminds Dyson that Tamsin did try to kill him as well. When Dyson suggests that the child might not be Tamsin, the child tells them: "Peace out losers. I'm going to go play" before throwing the knife across the room and burying it into a wall. She then walks past Kenzi and Dyson saying to them with attitude in her voice: "Later." Dyson and Kenzi watch her walk over to the couch and settle in before turning to each other and saying: "It's Tamsin." As Baby Tamsin does so, Dyson's cell phone vibrates as someone is trying to call him.

The scene then switches to a diner called 'Ronny's' where Lauren (Zoie Palmer) is seen using a pay phone in an attempt to call Dyson. She is still working as a waitress there and after the phone rings twice she hangs up in frustration. A waitress walks up behind Lauren which frightens Lauren, the name tag the waitress is wearing telling her name is Crystal (Ali Liebert). Crystal asks Lauren, who she knows as Amber, if she is okay and adds that if she needs something to ask, but Lauren refuses and walks away.

Returning to Dyson and Kenzi, they have been joined by Trick who tells them that when Valkyries are reborn their memories return very slowly and are scattered. Kenzi comments: "Apparently their hair full and lustrous." Trick adds that young Valkyries are very vulnerable and valuable. Dyson presses on asking if Tamsin's memories will return in full, but Trick explains: "Valkyries deal in the souls of the dead. They see so much carnage in one lifetime that sometimes they repress those memories in the next." As Trick walks away, Dyson swears and Kenzi warns him about his language before replying a video on her cellphone that Baby Tamsin wants to see. Trick comments: This place is a deathtrap" which makes Kenzi snap her fingers and say: "Remind me to embroider that on a pillow" before starting the video once more. Trick rants on: "I've seen duck ponds with better security. How are you still alive?" As Trick continues to search, Dyson asking if Tamsin is their only chance to find Bo. Trick begins to reply that there is another way but Dyson interrupts and asks about the injury that Trick has suffered to one of his arms. Trick pauses in his searching and explains that he needs the compass that Kenzi obtained in the previous episode. Kenzi then reveals that she has it with her and as Trick takes it, Dyson comments: "Kenzi you little thief" and Kenzi again has to restart the video for Baby Tamsin. Trick then asks if either Dyson or Kenzi has seen his Armillary Sphere but neither replies to the question. Kenzi then attempts to leave but Dyson stops her from doing so. Kenzi tells Dyson that she does not babysit, as again Baby Tamsin demands the video be restarted as Dyson comments: "You could have fooled me." Trick describes the object he is looking for as being: "About this high and encrusted in rubies. Hard to miss." As Kenzi resets the video she explains to Dyson that she is: "Merely educating the child in the ways of internet hilarity. Watching an animated bear dance to Gangnam Style is just a necessity" as she tries to leave once more. Dyson refuses to let her leave and tells Kenzi that he and Hale will find Bo. Kenzi's answer is: "Hells no." Dyson warns Kenzi about her language as Baby Tamsin asks for the video to be restarted yet again. Kenzi and Dyson then begin to have an argument, Kenzi demanding to leave and look for Bo, and Dyson refusing until Trick yells at them to be quiet and then explains: "I know where she's not. Because according to this compass, she's no longer on this physical plane." No one says anything for a moment and then Baby Tamsin thrusts the phone in Kenzi's direction as she says: "Again."

Elsewhere, Bo (Anna Silk) is seen resting in what appears to be a bed and beginning to wake up. She calls out "Hello" as she looks around the room she is in. She comments that her head is spinning as the sounds of a train travelling become louder in the room and the entire space begins to rock back and forth and it becomes clear that she is travelling onboard some kind of train. Bo then looks out a broken window and discovers an endless darkness surrounding the train she is travelling on. The last image before the commercial break is of that train travelling through utter darkness, the camera panning down the side of the train before pausing on Bo looking out the window and then the train vanishing off into the distance.

Returning from commercial, Trick and Dyson are in Trick's lair. Dyson demands that Trick tell him how he was injured, noting that he can smell Aife's blood on him and after a moment, Trick relents and explains that Aife was: "wounded at my hand." Trick then goes on to explain that when the spell was broken and the memories of Bo returned, there was "joy. but for Aife there was only the memory of losing her child and she was driven back to insanity." Dyson tells Trick he is sorry, but Trick tells Dyson that Bo must never find out and after a pause, Dyson sighs: "There is a lot of things that Bo must never find out." Dyson then presses on and asks Trick if he knows of a tracker that Dyson could use to find Bo. After naming several, Trick tells him that there is only one Fae who could "transverse the connecting planes of existence." Dyson seems surprised as he calls out the name "Endymion" and calls him legendary.

Questions in this Episode

  • Trick obviously survived Aife's attack with what appears to be minor wounds. What happened to Aife? Is she severely injured? Considering her insanity at the end of the previous episode, wouldn't Trick have to do more than just a "scratch"?
  • Tamsin has been reborn, and when she is first seen seems to be a young child. When she was reborn after the car crash, was she reborn as a newborn baby or as the young child that Dyson first encounters? It is not made clear which is correct.
  • As Tamsin has been reborn, does this mean that her previous agreements are null and void?
  • Is Tamsin still Dark Fae or can she be Light Fae in this lifetime?
  • It is possible for Kenzi's actions to somehow shape how the adult Tamsin, at least in this new life, will act?

Answers in this Episode

  • Tamsin has been reborn with, it appears, little or no memory of her previous life at the moment.
  • According to Trick: "Valkyries deal in the souls of the dead. They see so much carnage in one lifetime that sometimes they repress those memories in the next."
  • Young Valkyries are apparently very valuable.
  • An armillary sphere is a model of objects in the sky located in the celestial sphere, consisting of a spherical framework of rings, centred on Earth, that represent lines of celestial longitude and latitude and other astronomically important features such as the ecliptic. You can learn more about this real world object here.
  • Bo was transported from her normal plane of existence into what is called a Death Train, the purpose of this was not made clear in the episode, nor was it made clear to Bo who was responsible for doing so.
  • Bo's memories seem to be fragmented, however some of her basic skills, including feeding and lock picking seem to be available to her. She also seemed to remember Kenzi's name.
  • Endymion in the Lost Girl universe was a Fae who was said to be able to transverse the planes of existence. In mythology, Endymion was variously a handsome shepherd, hunter, or king who was said to rule and live at Olympia in Elis. Later suggestions made him an astronomer, the first human to observe the movements of the moon, which accounts for Endymion's love of Selene, the moon. You can find out more about this legend here.


For a more detailed list see: List of Lost Girl episodes, or click on the individual episode titles for more in depth articles.


Episode Review on Succubus.Net

Tera, the owner of this website, posted a review of this episode on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on November 22nd, 2013. You can find that review here. She gave it ??? pitchforks out of 5.

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