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Lovers. Apart.

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Lost Girl Series Article
Black background with slender sans-serif words "LOST GIRL" amid curving wisps of bluish-white fog resembling long hair, and the more solid curve of a female form laying on its side.
Episode Article

Lost Girl Series Articles

Lost Girl Series Characters

Lost Girl Series Episodes
"Lovers. Apart."
Lost Girl episode
Dyson finds Bo
Episode no. Season 4
Episode 3
Overall Episode 51
Directed by Andy Mikita
Written by Stephen Cochrane
Produced by Vanessa Piazza
Featured Music See Section Below
Cinematography by Craig Wright
Editing by Paul Day
Production Code 403
Original Air Date November 24, 2013 (2013-11-24)
Length 60 minutes (runtime)
Guest Actors

Emmanuelle Vaugier - The Morrigan
Tim Rozon - Massimo
Mia Kirshner - Cleo
Ali Liebert - Crystal
Lochlyn Munro - Ian Jenkins
Chloe Rose - Julia Jenkins
Katherine Ashby - Kathy Jenkins

Episode Chronology
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"Sleeping Beauty School"
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"Turn to Stone"

Short Summary List of Lost Girl Episodes
Detailed List of Lost Girl episodes

Dyson finds Bo, The Morrigan plans and schemes her revenge, and Lauren goes missing.

SuccuWiki Rating: 3.3 (3.3)

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.

For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.

Lovers. Apart. was the third episode of the fourth season of the series, and the fifty-first overall episode of the Canadian television series Lost Girl. It was first shown on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada on November 24th, 2013 at 10 PM Eastern time.

Production Data

  • Series: Lost Girl
  • Season: 4
  • Episode Number: 3 (51st Overall)
  • Episode Title: Lovers. Apart.
  • Directed by: Andy Mikita
  • Writing credits: Stephen Cochrane
  • Production Company: Prodigy Pictures
  • Running Time: 60 Minutes (Including Commercials)
  • Country of Origin: Canada
  • Originally Aired on: November 24th, on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada
  • Number of Canadian Viewers: TBA
  • Number of American Viewers: TBA


A promotional Image of the Season Four cast of Lost Girl from the official website at showcase.ca/lostgirl From left to right: Richard Howland as Trick, Ksenia Solo as Kenzi, Rachel Skarsten as Tamsin, Anna Silk as Bo, Kristen Holden-Reid as Dyson, Zoie Palmer as Lauren and K.C. Collins as Hale.
Actor / Actress Role
Anna Silk Bo
Kristen Holden-Ried Dyson
Zoie Palmer Lauren
Emmanuelle Vaugier The Morrigan
Tim Rozon Massimo
Mia Kirshner Cleo
Ali Liebert Crystal
Lochlyn Munro Ian Jenkins
Chloe Rose Julia Jenkins
Linzee Barclay Handmaiden
Katherine Ashby Kathy Jenkins
Phillip Williams Ronald
Don Tripe Janitor
Jeannie Daniels Cosmetics Saleswoman
Darren Frost Lazy John
Neema Bickersteth Jumbee
Ryan Tilley Noah Jenkins
Steve Lucescu Man in Black
James Kirchner Train Conductor

Music in this Episode

Song Title Artist Notes
Triangle Courtesy of APM Music
Pay That Bill Courtesy of APM Music
I Want You Lindi Ortega Written by Lindi Ortega and Dave Cobb
Willow Tree The Belleregards Written by Melanie Hilmi
Let It Burn Courtesy of APM Music


Short Summary

Dyson and Cleo arrive on the Death Train, but there is no sign of Bo and they go in pursuit of her. Bo has been transported to an old house in the woods where a family finds her, but Bo’s memories are confused. She finds that the family is frightened of a ghost which has killed members of their family over generations and the father imprisons their daughter to protect her. Bo helps the daughter and discovers that a body jumper is responsible for the deaths. Bo confronts it as Dyson and Cleo find her. Bo then learns that the body jumper was an Elemental who was in love but was never married to her love before he was killed. Bo and Dyson complete a ceremony for them and the curse is lifted from the family. Afterwards, Cleo takes Bo hostage, intending to take her to Vex for a reward, but Bo overcomes her and leaves with Dyson. The Morrigan returns and makes contact with Massimo to regrow an eye she is missing. While doing so, there is a hint that Massimo is human and had been involved with The Morrigan in the past. The Morrigan also learns that Massimo and Tamsin removed Bo as a threat which emboldens her to action. Lauren and Crystal continue their relationship, Lauren spending time with Crystal in her home, sharing secrets in a drunken stupor until they spend the night together in bed. Someone then calls the diner looking for Lauren and she runs. While hitchhiking, Lauren is then picked up by Crystal and is then kidnapped as Bo and Dyson drive past, unaware that Lauren is there.

Detailed Summary

The episode begins with Dyson (Kristen Holden-Ried) and Cleo (Mia Kirshner) arriving on the Death Train, Dyson being in a great deal of pain as they do so. Cleo tells Dyson that he has a bit of transcendental sickness and cures him of it by blowing into Dyson's ear. When Dyson asked what happened, Cleo explains that she saved Dyson's life because non-Elemental beings like Dyson cannot pass from one plane of existence to another without becoming sick or worse. A conductor (James Kirchner) then approaches the pair before calling out: "Next stop same as the last. Last stop same before next. Get your tickets ready please!" Cleo seems to be concerned about him as Dyson approaches and asks if the conductor has seen Bo. At the sound of Bo's name, the entire train begins to shake violently and there are many loud noises. The conductor then calls out: "Nothing to worry about folks. The engineer must have forgotten his glasses." He then places his hands to his eyes to mimic his wearing glasses before rushing past Dyson and Cleo towards the rear of the train carriage they are in. After he disappears, Dyson comments that the train seemed to shake at the mention of Bo's name and, again, when he speaks Bo's name it does so again. Cleo then says in a frightened voice that the screams that accompanied the train shaking are damned souls trying to get out of the train and they need to find Bo and get off the train as quickly as possible.

Bo (Anna Silk) is then seen running through a forest in the same gown she was wearing when she was on the train. She enters a clearing which has a old cottage within it and runs towards the cottage. Upon entering, she finds the cottage deserted and the furnishings covered with white sheets, the place appearing not to have been occupied for some time. A moment later and a door opens and a family of three enters the cottage, the daughter complaining about their being there which surprises Bo and she stumbles in the room she is in. This makes a great deal of noise which draws the attention of the family. They enter to find Bo confused and uncertain about what exactly is going on before the daughter strikes Bo with a frying pan, knocking her out cold. When her parents confront her about doing so, her answer is: "What? Someone had to do something."

After the opening credits, a janitor (Don Tripe) is seen working on a heating duct and then removing some kind of paperwork hidden there. He is then interrupted when a woman enters the room in bare feet. He approaches her and asks if he can help her, at which point she is revealed to be The Morrigan (Emmanuelle Vaugier). She touches his cheek and comments that he "misses the piano you left in Poland don't you? Pity, I could have made you a star." before touching his forehead and absorbing all of his talent which then kills him and turns him into a puddle on the floor. She then turns away from him which reveals that she is wearing an eye patch over her left eye, there being obvious signs of trauma appearing on her face as well.

The scene then moves to Lauren (Zoie Palmer) who is still working in the diner. Crystal (Ali Liebert) then enters and asks what Lauren has been doing. Lauren explains that she did "a little reorganizing" of the diner's condiments, utensils and other items which leads Crystal to comment: "This place is more organized than my apartment." After Lauren talks about where some of the items are now located, and mentions that if two items had been mixed they would have created carbonic acid, calling it as "unstable as this place" Crystal tells Lauren that she is "hilarious." When Lauren asks if Crystal likes, her answer is: "Yeah, I do like." There is a slight uncomfortable pause before Lauren turns away and moves to the counter to continue sorting things, but Crystal moves in close and leans in front of Lauren commenting: "I just need some sugar" the two locking eyes as this happens. Lauren then tells Crystal that she can't get involved with her, but before the conversation can continue, the owner of the diner Ronald (Phillip Williams) tells the pair that their break is over and they return to work after Lauren comments: "See? Unstable." and Crystal replies: "See? Funny."

Returning to Bo, she has been moved to a couch and is laying there semi-conscious. She awakes to find the mother and daughter sitting nearby and tying shoe laces and making knots in ropes and watching her. Bo looks at them a moment before asking if they were "on the train" which confuses the mother but the daughter tells her: "Mom, obviously train is slang for heroin. Look at her." The mother introduces herself as Kathy (Katherine Ashby) and her daughter as "my energetic daughter Julia (Chloe Rose)." Looking outside, Bo notices the father hanging things on what appears to be a clothesline and walking backwards. When Bo questions this, Kathy replies: "Oh, that's an old Jenkins family superstition. Makes for a fun weekend." Bo continues to be confused talking about "smoke and the broken glasses" to which Julia comments: "Bitch your brain broke." Bo then asks: "Does this have something to do with Lauren?" before clutching at her temples and crying that she cannot remember anything clearly before wincing in pain and asking if someone hit her to which Julia replies: "Mom did." Bo then comments in a strained voice: "Oh God I am so hungry." and Kathy asks if she wants something to eat. A moment after replying that they shouldn't ask that, Bo's eyes change colour and a disembodied voice tells her to "Kill them. Kill them all." before she returns to normal, Bo whispering afterwards: "Oh... Keep it together Dennis." The father then enters the room, announcing "The shoes are all hung" and is addressed as Ian (Lochlyn Munro) by Kathy. When Kathy tells him that Bo is awake, the two of them lock eyes a moment before Julia calls out: "Can you not look at my Dad like he's made out of hot dogs?" After Kathy berates Julia about this, Bo tells Julia it is okay as: "She reminds me of my best friend. It's comforting." Ian then takes Bo by the arm and orders her to leave immediately, both Kathy and Julia attempt to change his mind, but he becomes angry and silences them both. Bo pulls her arm from his grasp and icily asks if she can "use the ladies room first."

Dyson and Cleo in the meantime have searched the train and find themselves in the room where Bo had been held, Dyson telling Cleo that he can smell her scent there strongly. Dyson then sees the chambermaid (Linzee Barclay) who is asleep on the bed there and wakes her. When Dyson asks about Bo, the chambermaid tells him: "She is such a good kisser." When Dyson becomes agitated and asks where Bo is, using Bo's name, the train again shakes and the screams are heard before the chambermaid tells him: "He's going to be so angry when he finds out that she's gone." Dyson then screams out Bo's name which then causes the door at the rear of the train car to swing open, revealing the last place Bo was before she jumped from the train, a torn piece of her gown fluttering in the breeze wrapped around one of the railings. Dyson moves to it and takes it in hand, telling Cleo that it was Bo's. Cleo tells Dyson that if Bo jumped from the train the "stomach cramps and delirium will lead to death." Dyson questions this, telling het that he feels fine, but Cleo explains it is because he is with her. She warns Dyson that leaving the train without an invitation or an anchor would be terminal. Dyson asks Cleo if she can save Bo, but her answer is: "I don't know. Maybe." Dyson thrusts the scrap of clothing towards Cleo and tells her that she can "do this." Taking the scrap in one hand and allowing it to dangle in the wind, she takes hold of Dyson with her other hand before warning him to "Fasten your seat belt lover boy." The cloth then begins to smoke, making a trail into the darkness which surrounds the train and a moment later the pair leap off the train into the unknown.

Bo walks through the cottage, the family nowhere to be seen and discovers a basement which has a steel door in it, opening the door, Bo discovers a prison cell like room. Bo is then confronted by the family, Ian carrying a shotgun and pointing it at Bo while Kathy and Julia stand silently nearby him. Bo turns to him and comments: "Not so much father of the year are we Ian?"

Returning from commercial, Bo confronts Ian, telling him that he cannot hold people against their will and adding that he is "keeping your daughter against her will." Ian tells Bo he knows nothing about him and Kathy insists they are protecting Julia who tells her mother that she does not need them to protect her. When Bo asks what they are protecting Julia from, Julia answers" A stupid ghost." Bo is confused, but Ian explains that his family is haunted and "every year on this exact date the ghost comes for us. That's why we come out here. We get away from neighbours and families. We lock ourselves in these cells until morning until the ghost is gone." Bo asks Ian to explain why the ghost is haunting them but he cannot answer Bo's question as "everyone in my family died before they could explain the curse to me." Bo tells him: "Well, dealing with weird shit is what I do." and she tells them that she can help. but Julia breaks in with: "OMG! Help with what? There is no friggin' ghost! You are psychos!" Julia then goes on a rant about what happens every year before Ian thrusts Julia towards the cell and then demands that Bo leave immediately as he aims the shotgun at her. Juila then grabs Bo and tells Ian: "If I'm locked up, she's locked up too." Ian refuses this and becomes more and more angry with everyone there until Bo relents and tells him that she will leave. Julia backs away from Bo, who thanks them "for everything" before she leaves the family. Ian then hands the shotgun to Kathy who trains it on Bo as she walks away and Ian locks Julia into her cell.

Massimo (Tim Rozon) arrives where The Morrigan is and laments: "No phone calls, no letters, no correspondence of any kind for five long years and now all of a sudden you can't live without me. What can I say? I'm touched." The Morrigan replies: "If there is one thing that life has taught me it is that I can definitely live without you. But I agree. You are touched." Massimo comments that there is something different about The Morrigan while a cosmetician (Jeannie Daniels) works away on her. After asking if the Morrigan dyed her hair, she answers: "Why yes. Thank you for noticing. The colour is called 'grow my eyeball back or you will be growing back a ball of your own." Massimo replies, a bit frightened: "It's catchy." The Morrigan smiles as she replies: "Isn't it just?" She then turns to the cosmetician and asks about her singing in her church choir before touching her forehead, taking her talent and turning her into a puddle of goo on the floor. After this is finished, Massimo comments that The Morrigan "still has a way with children" as he takes a seat beside her to which she answers: "Hazard of the profession i suppose. When you have been in power as long as I have everyone is your child. Like it or not, one day you wake up and you are a mother." The two look at each other a moment before The Morrigan continues: "And Druid? Don't disappoint me like Chanel number goo did. My eyes are brown." Massimo interrupts her with: "Actually they are imperial brown with a slight flare of green in the cornea." She warns him not to make a mistake and he removes a vial which seems to contain an eye and they both look at it.

Questions in this Episode

Answers in this Episode


For a more detailed list see: List of Lost Girl episodes, or click on the individual episode titles for more in depth articles.


Episode Review on Succubus.Net

Tera, the owner of this website, posted a review of this episode on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on November 29th, 2013. You can find that review here. She gave it 3.3 pitchforks out of 5.

External Links