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Turn to Stone

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Lost Girl Series Article
Black background with slender sans-serif words "LOST GIRL" amid curving wisps of bluish-white fog resembling long hair, and the more solid curve of a female form laying on its side.
Episode Article

Lost Girl Series Articles

Lost Girl Series Characters

Lost Girl Series Episodes
"Turn to Stone"
Lost Girl episode
Bo's reaction when the Una Mens tell her she is Dark Fae and not Unaligned
Episode no. Season 4
Episode 4
Overall Episode 52
Directed by Paolo Barzman
Written by Michael Grassi
Produced by Vanessa Piazza
Featured Music See Section Below
Cinematography by Craig Wright
Editing by Ben Wilkinson
Production Code 404
Original Air Date December 1, 2013 (2013-12-01)
Length 60 minutes (runtime)
Guest Actors

Rachel Skarsten - Tamsin
Tim Rozon - Massimo
Ali Liebert - Crystal
Christine Horne - Dungeon Master
Eliana Jones - Teen Tamsin

Episode Chronology
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"Lovers. Apart."
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"Let the Dark Times Roll"

Short Summary List of Lost Girl Episodes
Detailed List of Lost Girl episodes

Kenzi puts her relationship with Bo in jeopardy when her truths come out. Lauren and Crystal are held captive and Bo is told by the Una Mens she is Dark Fae.

SuccuWiki Rating: 3.7 (3.7)

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.

For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.

Turn to Stone was the fourth episode of the fourth season of the series, and the fifty-second overall episode of the Canadian television series Lost Girl. It was first shown on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada on December 1st, 2013, at 10 PM Eastern time.

Production Data

  • Series: Lost Girl
  • Season: 4
  • Episode Number: 4 (52nd Overall)
  • Episode Title: Turn to Stone
  • Directed by: Paolo Barzman
  • Writing credits: Michael Grassi
  • Production Company: Prodigy Pictures
  • Running Time: 60 Minutes (Including Commercials)
  • Country of Origin: Canada
  • Originally Aired on: December 1st, 2013 on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada
  • Number of Canadian Viewers: TBA
  • Number of American Viewers: TBA


A promotional Image of the Season Four cast of Lost Girl from the official website at showcase.ca/lostgirl From left to right: Richard Howland as Trick, Ksenia Solo as Kenzi, Rachel Skarsten as Tamsin, Anna Silk as Bo, Kristen Holden-Reid as Dyson, Zoie Palmer as Lauren and K.C. Collins as Hale.
Actor / Actress Role
Anna Silk Bo
Kristen Holden-Ried Dyson
Ksenia Solo Kenzi
Zoie Palmer Lauren
Rachel Skarsten Tamsin
Tim Rozon Massimo
Ali Liebert Crystal
Christine Horne Dungeon Master
Eliana Jones Teen Tamsin
Bobby Brown Cop #1
Jason Faulkner Driver Goon
Brandon Wickens Beautiful Guy
Katriina Isberg Beautifu Girl
Chris Owens Lieutenant

Music in this Episode

Song Title Artist Notes
Baby I Call Hell Deap Vally Written by Julie Scot Edwards and Lindsay Troy
Bounce 2 This Evren Written by Evren Ozdemir
If We're Wrong Justin Hines Written by Justin Hines
Cruise Low Thunderheist Written by Omolola Isis Salami and Graham Bertie
Wannabe Spice Girls Written by Matt Rowe, Eichard Stannard,
Victoria Beckham, Melanie Brown, Emma Bunton,
Geri Halliwell and Melanie Chisholm


Short Summary

Bo has returned, but is in hiding at the urging of Dyson who warns her that she is a target of the Una Mens. In spite of his warning, Bo visits the Dal Riata with Kenzi and when they return home find that all of their things have been stolen. Tamsin has aged and has returned to her previous self, but her memories are still unclear save that she knows she is Dark Fae. Lauren and Crystal are imprisoned together, by whom is not known, but they are aware of who Lauren is. Lauren reveals that she killed 11 people when she and her brother blew up a pipeline, Lauren hiding and running ever since. Lauren discovers that they are being held for unknown reasons but who is not revealed. Kenzi reveals to Bo her involvement with Massimo which draws Bo to meeting Massimo and in order to repay the debt Kenzi owes must obtain a herb from Lauren’s apartment. While there, Bo discovers the file with Lauren’s real name and background but they find themselves trapped there by a energy barrier. After Kenzi escapes and returns to free Bo, Kenzi breaks down and tell Bo about everything that is going on with her life, including all of the things she has been hiding from Bo. Bo is shocked by this saying that she believed that Kenzi was the only one who never lied to her. Massimo diverts Bo and Kenzi away from his real plan which was to get close to Tasmin and take all of her hair but fails to do so when Bo intervenes. It is revealed that Tamsin has been reborn into her last life. Massimo kills himself when he attempts to retrieve some of Tamsin’s hair which Bo threw into a furnace. Dyson makes a promise to Kenzi to show her a way to be part of the Fae. Bo goes to confront the Una Mens after they sent a gargoyle to attack her. In doing so, Bo is told that her blood has chosen which side she is. Bo claims that she is unaligned, but the Una Mens tell Bo that she is Dark Fae.

Detailed Summary

The episode opens with Bo (Anna Silk) in the middle of a boxing workout with Dyson (Kristen Holden-Ried). As this continues, Bo talks about being restless, that the last thing she remembers is being taken from the Dal Riata and then waking up in the woods. Bo tells Dyson that she needs to look for answers, but he insists that Bo "lay low until the Una Mens settle down." Bo is unimpressed by this, even joking when Dyson tells her that the power of the Una Mens is "ancient". When Bo tells Dyson that the Una Mens is the last thing on her mind, he asks what the first thing is and Bo's answer is: "Any word?" Dyson replies that he has not heard from Lauren as of late but adds that it is better that Lauren is not nearby with all that is going on around them. Bo then tells Dyson that since she "has to protect herself from all of these unknowns" and "get a hit below the belt" as she embraces Dyson and the two become intimate in the middle of the boxing ring. Dyson comments that Bo seems to have changed and "something is different about you." Bo's answer is that Dyson seems to like it and "in a huge way" and the two continue with their actions becoming slightly violent and animalistic as they do so. As this occurs, from the shadows, a stone statue of what appears to be a Gargoyle watches them. There is a loud screeching noise which interrupts Bo and Dyson and as they look around, the Gargoyle is gone, the two returning to their moment together as the scene ends.

Following the opening credits, Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) is seen with Teen Tamsin (Eliana Jones), Kenzi trying to brush out Teen Tamsin's hair and occasionally having her hair brush get caught in Teen Tamsin's hair, but not pulling any hair out when this happens. Moments later Bo arrives and attempts to enter, but is stopped by a wall of magical red coloured fire which stops her from doing so. When Bo complains about this, Kenzi brushes it off saying that she made a mistake and it was only supposed to block malicious Fae. After using a dust pan to make a path for Bo, she enters with Kenzi following close before hugging Bo tightly, in the background as this happens Teen Tamsin is scratching at her back as something is bothering her. Bo asks Kenzi "how long this incessant hugging is going to last" and Kenzi answers: "As long as it takes to forget you were ever gone." Teen Tamsin asks Bo if she would like a Cheesy snake, but Bo answers: "No thanks, I already ate" as she untangles herself from Kenzi. When Bo beings to tell Kenzi about her sexual encounter with Dyson, Kenzi stops Bo telling her not to talk about such things in front of the baby, meaning Teen Tamsin, who breaks in and tells them both that she is not a baby, and she is two weeks old. Bo then confronts Teen Tamsin and asks if she remembers who she worked for in the past. Teen Tamsin explains that she does not, that what Bo is asking about is a previous life, and all she is sure about is that she is Dark Fae. Bo considers this before telling Teen Tamsin that knowing she is Dark Fae means that she is not telling them everything. Kenzi has a look at her phone and then suggests to Bo that they go out for the evening. When Bo asks about Teen Tamsin, Kenzi asks her if she would like to go out with two boring people like them or watch X-files on television. Teen Tamsin picks the X-files immediately.

Bo and Kenzi are then seen at the Dal Riata being served drinks at the bar, but not by Trick and the atmosphere in the Dal Riata is very somber and nothing like it normally is. Bo asks why things are so down and Kenzi explains that when the Una Mens came to town "everything shut down." When Bo comments that she was expecting to go somewhere fun, Kenzi tells Bo that she promised Dyson that she would take Bo somewhere safe. Bo then points out that a "black cloud of smoke kidnapped me right?" and Kenzi pauses before answering: "Right." Kenzi then asks Bo if they know anything about The Wanderer but Bo stops her and tells Kenzi that she "doesn't feel like talking about it" before telling Kenzi that she wants to dance. Bo then leaves the bar, plugs her phone into the bar stereo and changes the music to something more upbeat. She then begins to move around the room, drawing other Fae in the Dal Riata to join her in having a party by using her powers to persuade them to do so. Kenzi watches this unfold and comments to herself: "BoBo returns" as Bo dances with a nearby couple that are under her power, then adds as she takes a drink: "Now with bonus features." As Kenzi looks across the bar Massimo (Tim Rozon) is seen before he walks past Kenzi. Kenzi stops Massimo and asks if he "brought it" but he tells Kenzi that he was in a hurry and only brought a small amount with him. Kenzi then tells Massimo that she is "done with samples" but he tells her that she cannot possibly afford permanent Fae powers as she cannot pay him for what he gives her. Kenzi tells Massimo that he will be paid when her powers stop fading to which Massimo only smiles and gives Kenzi some of the potion he makes for her before leaving.

At this occurs, back at Bo and Kenzi's place, Teen Tamsin calls out for Kenzi and Bo then as a joke also calls out for Mulder and Scully before she hears a noise and turns around to see several masked men breaking into the house. She calls out asking what they are doing there before falling silent and her hair seeming to be blow around by an unseen wind. The intruders rush off as Tamsin cries out in pain and clutches at her back, a sickening noise coming from her body at the same time. Back at the Dal Riata, the party that Bo started continues, Kenzi joining in and partying with Bo. As they do so, the stone Gargoyle is seen again in the room watching them, but not doing anything to stop Bo or Kenzi from what they are doing. As Kenzi and Bo continue their dance, Kenzi shows off her powers to Bo which stops Bo in disbelief. Kenzi calls out "surprise!" and then asks if Bo is mad, but Bo's answer is: "That's freaking incredible!" before the two embrace. Returning home, Bo and Kenzi discover that they have been robbed, their home being stripped to the bare walls. Kenzi then rushes off to find Tamsin and they find her upstairs in Bo's bedroom once more an adult. Tamsin turns to Bo and Kenzi and sheepishly tells them: "I think I grew again."

After a commercial break,

Questions in this Episode

  • Something has changed about Bo, considering her attitude towards Dyson at the beginning of the episode. What has?
  • According to Kenzi, the protection around the entryway to their home was made to keep out "malicious" Fae, the trap of red coloured fire appearing when Bo tried to enter. Is this a clue?
  • What triggers Tamsin's aging? It is never explained.
  • Just how was it possible to strip the walls bare in Bo and Kenzi's place and why did they leave Bo's bedroom alone?

Answers in this Episode

  • Apparently brushing out the hair of a Valkyrie will not make any of the strands of their hair come out.
  • The only way to obtain a lock of Valkyrie hair is for the Valkyrie themselves to willingly allow some to fall out.
  • With Tamsin's final rebirth, she has grown a pair of white angel-like wings which she never seemed to have before. This is, apparently, a clear indication that she is in her final rebirth according to Massimo.
  • Bo's disappearance obviously had a huge effect on Kenzi emotionally.
  • According to Teen Tamsin, she is two weeks old at the beginning of the episode which then places this episode two weeks after the end of the Third Season if it is assumed that Tamsin and Dyson went over the cliff in Tamsin's truck and moments afterwards Tamsin was reborn as a baby.
  • Tamsin, even when she has a growth spurt and regains her former adult age, seems to not be fully developed emotionally.
  • It appears that even through her rebirth, Tamsin is aware that she is Dark Fae in nature.
  • When asked about The Wanderer, Bo refuses to talk about that subject.
  • The scene in the Dal Riata where Bo uses her powers to change the attitude of those around her is the first instance when she used her powers on a large number of individuals at one time.
  • Tamsin returned to her adult age in this episode, but remained immature emotionally.


For a more detailed list see: List of Lost Girl episodes, or click on the individual episode titles for more in depth articles.


Episode Review on Succubus.Net

Tera, the owner of this website, posted a review of this episode on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on December 6th, 2013. You can find that review here. She gave it 3.7 pitchforks out of 5.

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