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Bo's Father

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Lost Girl Series Article
Black background with slender sans-serif words "LOST GIRL" amid curving wisps of bluish-white fog resembling long hair, and the more solid curve of a female form laying on its side.
Character Article

Lost Girl Series Articles

Lost Girl Series Characters

Lost Girl Series Episodes
Bo's Father
Lost Girl character
The image of the Pyrippus as found by Trick in his collection
The image of the Pyrippus as found by Trick in his collection
First appearance

Caged Fae
Last appearance

Like Hell, Part I
Portrayed by

Nickname(s) The Dark King
Aliases Pyripuss
Lord of Darkness
Bo's Father
Species Unknown
Gender Male
Spouse(s) Aife (Wife)
Children Bo (Daughter)
Relatives Unknown
Appeared In 5 Episodes Referenced
1 Episode Appearance
Aligned Dark Fae
Fate Active
As of Like Hell, Part I remains trapped in Hel

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.

For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.

Bo's Father, also known as The Dark King, Lord of Darkness and The Pyripuss, was the name of a character that appeared in the Lost Girl television series. As of the end of the fourth season, the actor playing the role was not revealed but the character was referenced repeatedly.

During the latter half of the Third Season, the character was referenced many times. He made only one actual appearance in that season which occurred in The Ceremony. In that episode, Bo experienced a vision where he appeared, his voice was heard, but what he looked like was not shown.

In the Fourth Season, there was some confusion over whether he was The Wanderer who played a pivotal role during the season. But, by the end of the season, it was clear that the two were different beings. As the season unfolded, his plans to transform Bo into his Dark Queen were revealed, and his plans to escape his imprisonment in Hel were made clear.

As of the end of the Fourth Season, Bo's Father remained trapped in Hel, his plans stopped at least for the moment, but he remained a threat to Bo and her friends. His intentions were unclear eave that he intended to rule over the Fae as their Dark King with Bo serving as his Dark Queen.

Character History

Third Season

Prior to the third season, Bo's Father had been mentioned only in passing and Bo herself had no recollection of him. However in Caged Fae Bo spoke with Trick over her concerns about what her mother Aife experienced at the hands of her father, noting that he was most certainly Dark Fae in nature and was concerned about what that fact might mean to her.

Bo's Father made his first series appearance in The Ceremony though it was limited and did not reveal what he actually looked like. While Bo was undergoing her Dawning, she experiences a vision of what might be her past. In this vision, Bo enters a room where a large bassinet sits empty and a man rocks a baby in his arms. He speaks to the girl in his arms saying that she has "so much ahead of you. I've waited so long to have you in my arms." He then sings a song to the baby which Bo hums along to. The song is: "Gang awa' peerie faeries... Gang awa' peerie faeries... Gang awa' peerie faeries... Frae oor ben noo." As the song ends, Bo is quiet for a moment and then whispers "Dad?" The man, who can be assumed to be Bo's Father, though we never see his face, places the baby Bo back into her crib and then speaks to a female guardian, telling her "If Isabeau needs anything. Doesn't matter when. Doesn't matter what. You let me know." Bo's Father then disappears and Aife is seen killing the guardian and then stealing Bo away. This event marks the only time that Bo's Father is heard or seen in person in the Third and Fourth Seasons. At the end of this episode, Trick reveals an image in his collection which seems to be connected to Bo's Father in some way.

He was referred to again in Those Who Wander when Bo found Aife alive and imprisoned. Aife told Bo that her father would be able to kill those that imprisoned them and then resurrect them before killing them again. This was the first indication that Bo's Father had a specific power and hinted at the abilities that Bo had as well.

At the end of the Third Season, Bo's Father was still a mystery, his purpose and plans unknown and unclear though it appeared he was alive, but his location was not known.

Fourth Season

The Fourth Season of the series caused a great deal of confusion about who exactly Bo's Father was. At the beginning of the season Bo was captured by The Wanderer, known as Rainer, who initially appeared to possibly be Bo's Father. However, as the season progressed, it became clear that The Wanderer was not Bo's Father, but was in fact "Bo's Destiny." In the last two episodes of the season, Bo's Father finally appeared to confront Bo and Rainer towards the latter half of the season where some of his plans were made clear.

In Origin, Bo and Rainer attempted to stop Bo's Father from returning from Hel, but were tricked into completing a prophecy which rather than sealing him in Hel, opens a portal for him to return.

In Dark Horse, Trick swore that the true identity of Bo's Father was not known by him. Bo discovered that she was being transformed by her father into The Dark Queen and when she arrived at the portal where her father would appear to confront him, she began to change into the Dark Queen, but Dyson saved her. When this failed, Bo's Father sent an army of Remnants to the portal in a bid to escape Hel, but his advance was held at bay by Dyson, Trick and Tamsin. Kenzi figured out the prophecy to close the portal, and to do so she sacrificed herself. With Kenzi's action, Bo's Father could not escape Hel and remained trapped there.

At the end of the Fourth Season, Bo's Father had not revealed himself to Bo, though some facts were known about him. It was clear that he intended to have Bo serve as his Dark Queen to his Dark King and bring all Fae under his control. He was apparently trapped in Hel and while his first attempt to escape was thwarted by Kenzi's actions, another attempt was almost certain. What his involvement going forward in the series with Bo's life and any possibly plans he might have, including the possible entrapment of Kenzi to draw Bo to him were not known.

Fifth Season

Bo's Father first made his presence known in the premiere episode of the Fifth Season Like Hell, Part I where it was shown that he used old style rotary telephones who's dials glowed blue when he wanted to communicate. At one point, Kenzi was seen yelling into the phone, calling him a "heavy breather stalker" but he never spoke. He also communicated with Tamsin, turning her personality as a result, and making her seek out Bo. He spoke with one of the Valkyrie, Stacey as well. It was also made clear that Freyja, the ruler of Valhalla was not pleased with having to do business with him. At the end of the episode, Bo pressed a glowing blue floor button in an elevator and was sent on her way to see him.

Powers and Abilities

The actual powers that the Dark King possesses are unclear. There have been inferences made that he is a being of great power, but specifics are very few. His wife Aife did claim that he had the power of Resurrection at one point in the series. It is possible, though again not clear, that he may have the power of telepathy. He also may possess powers similar to that of an Incubus as well. All of this is conjecture as of the fourth season, no clear evidence had appeared.

Appearances in the Lost Girl Series

Third Season

Fourth Season

Fifth Season

Information revealed in the series

  • It appears from Aife's claims that she was forced by Bo's Father to give birth to Bo.
  • Rainer claims that all of the visions Bo has seen of horses and things connected to them are a sign that her father wants to see her.
  • The mark that both Rainer and Bo have on their chest is that of Bo's father.
  • Bo represents The Dark Queen whom her father wishes to come into full force so he can return to the Earth from Hel. It is possible that if Bo turned completely into the Dark Queen, she would then become the Queen of Hel.
  • According to the Showcase site, Bo's Father is called Per Apice (dragon; trans: The Apex).
  • Bo's Father is imprisoned in Hel and intends to use Bo as his means to escape.
  • Bo's Father intends to have Bo rule over the Fae at his side as the Dark Queen to his Dark King.
  • He seems to have the powers of resurrection according to Aife


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