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Light Fae

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Lost Girl Series Article
Black background with slender sans-serif words "LOST GIRL" amid curving wisps of bluish-white fog resembling long hair, and the more solid curve of a female form laying on its side.
Series Article

Lost Girl Series Articles

Lost Girl Series Characters

Lost Girl Series Episodes
Light Fae
Dyson, Light Fae Wolf-Shifter
Dyson, Light Fae Wolf-Shifter
Affiliation Light Fae
Current leader The Ash
Powers Many Various Powers
Represented By The Ash
First Appeared It's a Fae, Fae, Fae, Fae World

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For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here.

The following is a general discussion of Light Fae in the Lost Girl television series universe. It is not complete and will change from time to time as new information is revealed in the series about them.

Light Fae are one of two factions which Fae in the Lost Girl universe are divided. Dark Fae are the other faction and are generally described as being the opposite to the Light Fae in beliefs and actions. According to the history of the series, a Great War took place between the two groups of Fae which was started by the effects of a being called The Garuda.[1] The war progressed for a long period of time until the Blood King, later known as Trick, used his powers to bring an end to the war and create a time of uneasy peace between the two sides. Apparently, each side took a overall name based on their beliefs and traditions. In one case that was the Dark Fae and in the other the Light Fae.


Before the actions of the Blood King, the Light Fae were groups of disassociated Fae who were of similar goals, but not connected. The Old Ash referred to them as being a "motley crew of scattered tribes."[2] According to the history as described in the series, Four Fae Noble families founded the faction that eventually became the Light Fae: Clan Bukharin, Clan Finarvin, Clan Scafati and Clan Zamora. According as well to what has been revealed, this event had to have occurred before 79 CE because Clan Scafati was destroyed during the events of Pompeii in that year.[3] Over time the number of Light Fae Noble families grew to the current level of ten families.[4]

Over time, as humanity grew, the existence of the Fae was threatened with discovery. However, they began to place themselves within human society to cover their tracks, hide their kills, and discount any evidence that was collected about them. In doing so, many of the Fae were able to collect large amounts of wealth, position, and influence. This was not true of all of the Light Fae and a social class structure began. Overall, those with more wealth held more power both in the human and Fae worlds.

Members of the Light Fae may eat humans but according to The Blackthorn they do so only for food, not sport. Otherwise they seek to protect the humans if they can.[5] The difference between Light Fae and Dark Fae in general is not the same as the difference between Good and Evil, as in many cases this line is blurred on both sides.

In the series timeframe, the Light Fae and the Dark Fae co-exist around the world, but keep their existence a secret from humanity. They encourage myths and legends to help hide their existence as well. The Light Fae have their membership in all levels of human society to assist in this effort, some of which are in positions of power or authority. Generally speaking, many Light Fae have wealth and power as as result, keep humans as pets or servants, but overall tend towards a benevolent, if not active connection with them.

In the current series timeframe, Light Fae can be found in all levels of human society from the wealthiest to the poorest. As part of this wide stratification, the Light Fae also created enforcers to maintain order and peace as well as special prisons.

There are certain areas and locales which are designated as being Light Fae controlled that the Dark Fae do not enter or influence and the reverse is true as well. There is conflict between the sides, but this is generally limited to personal grudges and not overarching conflicts that draw all members of the Light Fae to battle.

If the Dark Fae are more concerned with the darker side of their nature in general, than the Light Fae tend to be more interested in the lighter side of who they are. But in doing so, it is possible for a Light Fae to break human laws or vice versa.

Following the events of The Garuda, the peace between the Light Fae and the Dark Fae has become paramount in the eyes of the Elders and the Council. Whether or not this peace continues depends on a level of trust between the two sides that has not truly existed to this point in their history.

Known Positions of Power

Leadership positions within the Light Fae are given titles with names of sacred trees. The local leader is called The Ash, and they meet with a Council of High Elders, which conducts meetings with The Ash who serves as the chairperson. Above this level of leadership is the Fae Council who has a representative called The Blackthorn who carries commands from the Council to the local level.[6]

Relationships between the Noble families that lead the Light Fae are uneasy and sometimes become close to blows and conflict. Like the Dark Fae, there seems to be a lack of trust between the families and each expect the other to attempt assassination or manipulation for their own family's benefit.[7]

The following are some titles with power in the Light Fae hierarchy:

  • The Ash - Local Leader of the Light Fae
  • The Blackthorn - Representative of the Light Fae Council
  • The Glaive - One of the Highest Ranking Light Fae elders.

There have been some Elders noted:

Known Light Fae

The list of Light Fae is very long and incomplete in the series.

Humans Aligned with the Light Fae

There is only one human known to be aligned with the Light Fae, that being Lauren, but this is a special case.


  1. As explained in the Second Season episode Flesh and Blood
  2. As stated in Blood Lines
  3. As explained in The Girl Who Fae'd With Fire
  4. As explained in Fae Day where this was stated as well as giving the name of one of the new families, Kavanaugh
  5. As seen in I Fought the Fae (And the Fae Won)
  6. As seen in I Fought the Fae (And the Fae Won)
  7. As shown in The Girl Who Fae'd With Fire

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