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44 Minutes to Save the World

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Lost Girl Series Article
Black background with slender sans-serif words "LOST GIRL" amid curving wisps of bluish-white fog resembling long hair, and the more solid curve of a female form laying on its side.
Episode Article

Lost Girl Series Articles

Lost Girl Series Characters

Lost Girl Series Episodes
"44 Minutes to Save the World"
Lost Girl episode
A fleeting moment of joy for Bo and Lauren before disaster strikes
Episode no. Season 5
Episode 9
Overall Episode 70
Directed by Gail Harvey
Written by Sandra Chwialkowska
Produced by Wendy Grean
Featured Music See Section Below
Cinematography by Craig Wright
Editing by Ben Wilkinson
Production Code 509
Original Air Date September 6, 2015 (2015-09-06)
Length 60 minutes (runtime)
Guest Actors

Rachel Skarsten - Tamsin
Eric Roberts - Hades
Luke Bilyk - Mark
Amanda Walsh - Zee
Noam Jenkins - Hera
Shanice Banton - Iris
Lisa Marcos - Alycia Welles

Episode Chronology
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"End of Faes"
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"Like Father, Like Daughter"

Short Summary List of Lost Girl Episodes
Detailed List of Lost Girl episodes

Hades walks the Earth while Bo attempts to stop Iris from destroying it as secrets of the past are revealed and the future is uncertain

SuccuWiki Rating: 0.0 (0.0)

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.

For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.

44 Minutes to Save the World was the ninth episode of the fifth season of the series, and the seventieth overall episode of the Canadian television series Lost Girl. It also was the mid-season premiere for the fifth season. It was first shown on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada on September 6, 2015 at 9 PM Eastern time. The episode was released prior to its airdate on both iTunes and Showcase.ca on August 21, 2015.

Production Data

  • Series: Lost Girl
  • Season: 5
  • Episode Number: 9 (70th Overall)
  • Episode Title: 44 Minutes to Save the World
  • Directed by: Gail Harvey
  • Writing credits: Sandra Chwialkowska
  • Production Company: Prodigy Pictures
  • Running Time: 60 Minutes (Including Commercials)
  • Country of Origin: Canada
  • Originally Aired on: September 6, 2015[1] on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada (Pre-released on iTunes and Showcase.ca on August 21, 2015)
  • Number of Canadian Viewers: Not Released
  • Number of American Viewers: Not Released


A promotional Image of the Season Five cast of Lost Girl from the official website at showcase.ca/lostgirl From left to right: Anna Silk as Bo, Zoie Palmer as Lauren, Kristen Holden-Reid as Dyson and Rachel Skarsten as Tamsin
Actor / Actress Role
Anna Silk Bo
Kristen Holden-Ried Dyson
Richard Howland Trick
Zoie Palmer Lauren
Rachel Skarsten Tamsin
Eric Roberts Hades
Luke Bilyk Mark
Amanda Walsh Zee
Noam Jenkins Hera
Shanice Banton Iris
Lisa Marcos Alycia Welles
Robert Clarke John
Sebestian Maclean Bouncer
Alan C. Peterson Unnamed Fae Council Member

Music in this Episode

Song Title Artist Notes
’’Feel It Coming On’’ Life Bitter Soul Written by Life Bitter Soul
’’Best In The West’’ Central Park featuring Thomas D’Arcy Written by Thomas D’Arcy
’’Run Cried The Crawling’’ Agnes Obel Written by Agnes Obel


Short Summary

Hades is released from his prison and walks the Earth after which he helps Lauren to save Mark’s life. Tamsin is held by Zee and Hera as a hostage, but Tamsin turns Hera against Zee by placing doubts. The two come to blows and Hera falls into a coma. Hades visits Lauren’s clinic and while there is revealed to be Bo’s Father to both Dyson and Lauren by Bo. Hades reveals that the jack-in-the-box can send either Nix or himself to Hell, but not both. He also reveals that his mark is on both Bo and Mark, protecting them from harm. Trick decides to use his blood to save the world, but he finds his blood does not work. Zee demands a shield that Trick possesses or she will kill Trick’s friends, starting with Tamsin. Nix goes to Dyson’s gym where Alicia is, but before she can be harmed, Hades and Bo manage to stop Nix by trapping her in the jack-in-the-box. Afterwards, Hades is imprisoned, and Bo confronts Hades for forcing Kenzi to close the portal, the two arguing over Bo’s past. Hades claims that all that Aife told Bo was false but Bo refuses to believe him. Bo and Lauren express their love for each other, but Lauren is stuck by a car, seemingly fatally. When Bo approaches Lauren to help, Lauren seems to feed like a succubus on Bo.

Detailed Summary

The episode opens with a flashback to the previous episode including: Bo confronting Zee and then being given a vision of the world being plunged into darkness, Zee warning Bo that her father intends to use her to end the world. Iris looking at her human host's father laying dead at her feet and trying to justify her actions to Mark before Mark is stabbed. Zee striking Tamsin with lightning, she seemingly being either killed or badly injured as a result. Trick explaining to Bo what the Nix is as Bo's hand turns black as a result of touching Iris, then Trick explaining to Bo that the jack-in-the-box her father gave her could be used to stop the Nix. Bo is then seen opening the box, Zee warning Bo that doing so will release her father upon the Earth. Hades telling Bo that their combined powers will decide the fate of the Earth, adding the answers are within Bo herself as the box opens with a flash of light.

The episode begins with the final scene of the previous episode in which Bo (Anna Silk) comments: "The answer is in a gift" and looking at the box her Father gave her while Zee (Amanda Walsh) continues to admonish Bo not to open it. Bo then turns the crank on the box, causing Zee to depart shortly before the box pops open and a flash of light escapes from it.

Bo seems to be stunned for a moment, then calls out: "Dad?" After a moment there is a knock on the door and when Bo opens it, she finds a man calling himself John (Robert Clarke) standing outside, holding a bible and telling Bo that "The End is Neigh. Do you want to be saved?" When Bo asks why John is there, he explains that he would like to invite Bo to prayer circle on Sunday as the end of the world is coming. Bo closes the door and then comments to herself: "No kidding."

The scene moves to the park where Dyson (Kristen Holden-Ried) and Lauren (Zoie Palmer) are seen trying to give aid to Mark (Luke Bilyk) who is bleeding profusely. As Lauren and Dyson attempt to render aid, a crowd of people has surrounded them and Dyson warns them all to move away in a harsh tone. Lauren tells Dyson that Mark is losing a lot of blood, Dyson, on the verge of panic begging Lauren to tell him that Mark will be alright. Lauren explains that they need to get Mark to her clinic or he will bleed to death, but before the conversation can continue Hades (Eric Roberts) appears, declares himself to be a doctor and asks if they need help. When Lauren explains that Mark has been stabbed, Hades replies: "My kit's in the car, I'll be right back." Dyson asks Lauren if she really needs Hade's help and she explains that she has nothing to help Mark, and Hades does. The crowd moves in closer again, Dyson pushing one member of the crowd back before Hades returns and hands Lauren a medical bag. Hades points out: "His abdominal aorta has been lacerated. He needs surgery fast." When Dyson insists that Mark can make it to Lauren's clinic, Hades replies that Mark will never make it there in the condition he is in. Lauren explains to Dyson that Hades is correct, the surgery cannot wait and she needs Hades assistance to save Mark. Dyson then reluctantly moves away as Hades assists Lauren in attempting to save Mark's life, Hades commenting: "Okay Doll, stick him" as Lauren injects something into Mark.

The scene then shifts to the Dal Riata where Trick (Richard Howland) is seen discussing the current situation with another Fae. Trick explains that: "With the Nix unleashed, it could mean the end of all existence. Legend states that the Nix's darkness will sink to the Earth's core by midnight." The Fae (Alan C. Peterson), who appears to be an Elder, tells Trick to use his powers to write the Nix out of existence. Trick explains that using his blood means that something worse would replace the Nix, but the Elder points out: "What could be worse than the end? Open your veins." Trick refuses noting: "My blood will only write the future. I'm afraid the Nix is the end of time itself." Trick then suggests that the Fae Council be assembled and all of their resources brought to bear against the threat of the Nix. The Fae Elder then offers the Staff of Pestilence to help in the battle, noting that he had used it to fight the Black Death and proclaiming that it will "stave off this new plague." Trick then reveals that he possesses a shield, the same one that was displayed at Zee's party which the Fae Elder identifies as the Aegis Shield. Trick explains that the shield is made of Adamantine and notes it is the only metal that can "hold off the Ancients." Trick is warned that what his believes is "only legend" just as Iris (Shanice Banton) arrives. Trick warns the Elder that Iris is the Nix, but the Elder does not believe him. Iris asks if Mark is at the Dal Riata while Trick warns the Elder not to allow Iris to touch him. The Elder then attempts to use the Staff to stop Iris, but it has no effect on her. Iris then touches the Staff and it crumbles into dust before she touches the Elder, killing him while Trick protects himself with the Shield. When Trick looks out from behind the Shield a moment later, Iris is gone.

After the opening credits we return to find Lauren, Dyson and Mark at Lauren's Clinic, Mark recovering from his surgery. Lauren notes that Mark is stable and he seems to be healing much faster than she expected him to be. Dyson thanks Lauren for saving Mark's life, Lauren brushing it off saying that Dyson has "done your share of rescuing." Dyson then berates himself for Mark being harmed, believing that he pushed Mark into a situation he was not prepared for. Lauren tells Dyson that he could not have known and they need to focus on what they need to do in order to deal with the threat of the Ancients. This pushes Dyson into action, commenting that they need to find Bo and Tamsin, Dyson then making a phone call in an attempt to contact one of them.

The scene moves to Zee's condominium, where Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) is seen tied to a chair as her cellphone rings as Dyson attempts to contact her. Tamsin awakes, struggles to free herself from her bonds, but then pauses as Hera (Noam Jenkins) comments: "You're actually pretty when you sleep." Tamsin replies: "You're actually creepy when you stare." Hera retorts: "You also talk in your sleep. I considered a ball gag but to be honest I found your mutterings sort of charming." Tamsin's reply is: "What? This isn't S&M enough for you?" as she pulls at her bonds again. Hera then explains that Tamsin is being held "as an insurance policy" adding that Tamsin should be familiar with that concept as Hera had been used in the same way before. Zee then enters, ranting that Bo has released Hades. When Hera asks what Hades wants, Zee replies: "What do you think he wants?" Zee then comments to Tamsin: "I thought you were dead? Guess you have a little more fight in you after all." Tamsin then attempts to use her Valkyrie powers against Zee, but Zee brushes them off, telling Tamsin that she is immune to them. Zee then comments to Hera that they have: "Front row seats to the end of the world." Zee adds that they will be safe in their condominium, but then is shocked to see that the Aegis Shield is no longer present in their home. Zee then berates Hera for being useless and having lost the Shield. Zee places all of the blame upon Hera, ranting and raving before she departs in search of her shield and regaining its protection. Before Zee leaves, Hera asks what they should do with Tamsin and Zee replies: "Get rid of her" but then pauses, approaches Tamsin and then tears out a lock of her hair before storming off again, changing her mind and telling Hera to "hold onto her. Maybe she's worthy of a trade."

Back at Lauren's Clinic, Hades is seen waiting by a nursing station as Lauren approaches him. Hades asks how Mark is doing and Lauren replies that "He's healing rather quickly actually." After Lauren thanks Hades for his help, Hades asks if he might have his medical bag back, and Lauren leaves to retrieve it for him. After Lauren enters Mark's room, Hades enters a moment afterwards, asking to see Mark. Lauren comments that Hades is not supposed to be where he is, but before this can continue, Hades comments: "I see you do R&D. Lauren explains that it is "something I do in my spare time" as a whiteboard is shown with some molecular structures and notes about them shown. Hades considers it a moment before commenting: "My organic chemistry is a bit rusty but this looks like stem cell research. Ambitious for a hobby." Lauren explains that she is trying to isolate a specific group of cells and Hades comments: "If you can crack that code, that's the Holy Grail, the Fountain of Youth. Everlasting life." Lauren replies with a laugh: "A girl can dream." Hades continues to examine the diagrams and then points out where Lauren seems to be stuck in her research. Lauren comments that she doesn't want to bore him, but Hades replies: "I'm retired. This is the most fascinating stuff I have read in years. Humour me." Lauren explains her problem is that the cells she is interested in "lack markers which makes them difficult to isolate." When Hades asks if she has tried injecting a virus, Lauren replies that the cells "just destroy the virus." Hades then comments: "A pathogenic virus yes, but what about a TTV?" Lauren is surprised, replying: "You mean a benign virus?" Hades explains that the stem cells will not attack, and also adds: "Sometimes the catalyst that appears the most innocuous can do the most damage. Think of it as a Trojan Horse." Lauren thanks Hades for the idea as Dyson enters the room. Dyson approaches Hades and thanks him for his help. When asked for his name, Hades gives it as: "Jack." Bo then enters the room, carrying the box her father had given her, and comments: "Actually. It's Hades. My father." Hades smiles as he replies: "Hi Bo."

After a commercial break,

Questions in this Episode

Answers in this Episode


For a more detailed list see: List of Lost Girl episodes, or click on the individual episode titles for more in depth articles.


Episode Review on Succubus.Net

Tera, the owner of this website, posted a review of this episode on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on September 11, 2015. You can find that review here. She gave it ??? pitchforks out of 5.

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