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End of a Line

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Lost Girl Series Article
Black background with slender sans-serif words "LOST GIRL" amid curving wisps of bluish-white fog resembling long hair, and the more solid curve of a female form laying on its side.
Episode Article

Lost Girl Series Articles

Lost Girl Series Characters

Lost Girl Series Episodes
"End of a Line"
Lost Girl episode
Kenzi grieves over Hale's body as Bo can only watch
Episode no. Season 4
Episode 11
Overall Episode 59
Directed by Ron Murphy
Written by Steve Cochrane
Produced by Vanessa Piazza
Featured Music See Section Below
Cinematography by Craig Wright
Editing by Paul Day
Production Code 411
Original Air Date January 26, 2014 (2014-01-26)
Length 60 minutes (runtime)
Episode Chronology
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"It Begins"

Short Summary List of Lost Girl Episodes
Detailed List of Lost Girl episodes

Hale is killed by Massimo before he can marry Kenzi while Bo has to deal with her relationship with Dyson falling apart

SuccuWiki Rating: 3.4 (3.4)

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.

For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.

End of a Line was the eleventh episode of the fourth season of the series, and the fifty-ninth overall episode of the Canadian television series Lost Girl. It was first shown on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada on January 26, 2014, at 10 PM Eastern time.

Production Data

  • Series: Lost Girl
  • Season: 4
  • Episode Number: 11 (59th Overall)
  • Episode Title: End of a Line
  • Directed by: Ron Murphy
  • Writing credits: Steve Cochrane
  • Production Company: Prodigy Pictures
  • Running Time: 60 Minutes (Including Commercials)
  • Country of Origin: Canada
  • Originally Aired on: January 26, 2014 on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada
  • Number of Canadian Viewers: TBA
  • Number of American Viewers: TBA


A promotional Image of the Season Four cast of Lost Girl from the official website at showcase.ca/lostgirl From left to right: Richard Howland as Trick, Ksenia Solo as Kenzi, Rachel Skarsten as Tamsin, Anna Silk as Bo, Kristen Holden-Reid as Dyson, Zoie Palmer as Lauren and K.C. Collins as Hale.
Actor / Actress Role
Anna Silk Bo
Kris Holden-Ried Dyson
Ksenia Solo Kenzi
Richard Howland Trick
K.C. Collins Hale
Zoie Palmer Lauren
Rachel Skarsten Tamsin
Paul Amos Vex
Tim Rozen Massimo
Linda Kash Kenzi's Mother
Linda Hamilton Acacia
Ian Matthews Dimitri
Scott McCord Harvey
Marci T. House Laveau
Adam Kenneth Wilson Homeless Man

Music in this Episode

Song Title Artist Notes
Iranians DAVIDS Written by David Dunham
Eerie Lake Moses Sunparlour Players Written by Andrew Penner
and Michael Rosenthal


Short Summary

Bo is attacked by a zombie and with Dyson, Tamsin and Acadia, goes to find who was responsible for the attack. They discover that Massimo did not die having survived due to possessing the Twig of Zamora. Kenzi is visited by her mother and cousin who Hale contacted. Her mother attempts to reconcile with Kenzi, and then when Hale proposes to Kenzi, they ruin the moment for Kenzi and Hale. In spite of this, Kenzi decides to accept Hale’s proposal. Before Kenzi can do so, Massimo attacks Kenzi and Hale, delivering a fatal blow to Hale. Kenzi offers her life to save Hale, but Bo refuses because doing so would kill Kenzi. Bo attempts to explain to Dyson about Rainer, but fails to do so and their relationship falls apart. In the aftermath, Tasmin makes a move on Dyson. Vex visits Trick and it is revealed that Vex was responsible for the seed that Trick possessed being stolen. Rainer, as his curse has been lifted, is being rewritten into history and when Tamsin sees an image of him, tells Bo that Rainer was not the one that hired her to find Bo.

Detailed Summary

The episode opens with a series of flashbacks to earlier episodes which include: Bo leaving with Huginn and Muninn to confront Rainer, while in a voice-over Dyson tells Lauren that they should have protected Bo, and Lauren replying that Bo doesn't want to see either of them. Then two short scenes are shown of Bo discovering that Massimo was human and then Massimo plunging into the furnace to his seeming death. Kenzi and Hale are then shown kissing after they admitted their love for one another with Hale and Kenzi in a voice-over telling each other they have "always been here." Bo is then shown dealing the death blow to the Una Mens with Rainer looking on in the previous episode while Trick in a voice over asks Bo not to do so. Then the Origin Seed is shown gathering the powers of the Una Mens. Bo is then shown talking to Tamsin, asking Tamsin if the evil she met could be Bo's father and Tamsin replying "that thing would have done anything to find his ideal mate. Including if it meant creating her himself."

The episode opens with Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) offering Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) a pair of movies to watch, one being 'Zombies got the Blues' and the other 'Sexy Vampire Doctor went back to College because he lost his way.' Tamsin thinks about the choices and then answers: "Is that it?" Kenzi offers Jerry Maguire, but Tamsin clarifies her question and asks if the situation with Bo and the Wanderer is just... over. Kenzi replies that she doesn't know and that Bo "locked me out." Kenzi then starts on a rant over she being Bo's best friend for four years as Bo (Anna Silk) approaches Kenzi from behind. Kenzi tells Tamsin that she knows every heartbreak, every tear and "just like that I'm out. So if you wouldn't mind I'd like to forget about it all and watch some zombie movies okay?" Bo calls out: "I like zombies!" Kenzi is slightly miffed and asks: "Taking a break from athletic shower sex post-slaughtering the Una Mens?" Bo tries to explain to Kenzi that she has been "meaning to talk to you", but Kenzi asks "what about Dyson and Lauren?" and Bo replies: "One day." Kenzi rolls her eyes in disbelief which makes Bo ask: "What do you want me to say?" Kenzi asks: "I want you to say you're not brainwashed. I what you to say that I still have a best friend!" Bo tries to reassure Kenzi that she "still has a best friend and no, I am not brainwashed. And as far as Dyson and Lauren go, it's not like it was ever perfect. Dyson gave his love away and then he became an a-hole like forever." Kenzi interjects: "You called him Mopey Dick." Bo continues: "And then I broke his heart with Lauren and now she's all buddy-buddy with The Morrigan." Tamsin comments: "All bad things" and then Bo continues: "With Rainer, I finally feel like I provided something to a relationship. I broke his curse. We want the same things it's bigger than love." Throughout all of Bo's assertions, Kenzi does not really believe what Bo is telling her. Bo then adds: "And I'm sorry if I locked you out Kenzi, I just needed some time." Bo then picks up a bootleg DVD of Jerry Maguire and while holding it between herself and Kenzi continues: "You complete me." Tamsin then breaks in and tells Bo that Hale asked Kenzi to move in with him, but Kenzi insists that she doesn't know that, and all that she does know is that Hale has told her that he wants to talk to her and it is important, which Kenzi calls "terrifying." Bo then asks: "Are you leaving me?" Kenzi replies: "Sucks when it happens to you huh?" Bo looks shocked and confused, but Kenzi hugs her and tells Bo that she: "Had me at a-hole. You had me at a-hole" which makes Bo smile. After the hug ends, Kenzi tells Bo: "Now, go downstairs. Snacks need drinks have I taught you nothing?" Bo replies: "So much. I'll be right back." Bo goes down into the kitchen and looks through the fridge as someone enters behind her, shuffling as they do so. Bo hears them and turns to see what appears to be a zombie approaching her. Taking a long knife, Bo thrusts it through the zombie's chest, but to no effect. Bo comments: "This is usually the part where you die" and a moment later there is the sound of a blade moving through the air and the zombie's neck is sliced through and it falls to the floor revealing Acacia (Linda Hamilton) who greets Bo with: "And you must be Bo."

After the opening credits, we return to Bo as she watches Tamsin shove Acacia against a post and cry out: "You're supposed to be dead!" Acacia replies: "What can I say? I'm just a lucky girl!" Tamsin checks Acacia's right hand and finds that her hand had been severed but a new one had been attached there. Acacia explains that Massimo had "grown a new one onto my stump." Bo asks Acacia how she lost her hand and is told that "The Wanderer had his crows cut it off. Because my protégé here didn't deliver you as quickly as he wanted." Bo seems shocked and tells Acacia that "Huginn and Muninn betrayed Rainer. They could have been acting alone." Acacia asks: "So you two are on a first name basis now?" Tamsin tells Acacia that Bo is Rainer's boyfriend and Acacia's reaction is to begin to leave and comment: "Annnnd I'm out." Tamsin stops her from leaving, but Acacia explains: "This wasn't a social call" and Acacia explains she is a revenant hunter instead of a bounty hunter and that "it was a lucky coincidence that someone was trying to kill your friend here" referring to Bo. Bo asks what a revenant is and Tamsin explains that it is a dead Fae risen from the dead to settle old scores. She also adds: "Very effective. Acacia and I used to use them all of the time." Tamsin examines the body and finds on it a Wanderer card and shows it to both Bo and Acacia. Tamsin angrily tells Bo: "We need to talk to your boy-toy now" but Bo tells Tamsin that Rainer left "late last night" and claimed that Rainer went to the battlefields to pay respect to the dead. Tamsin replies: "Yeah, or to reanimate them." Bo insists that Tamsin is wrong, but Tamsin confronts Bo and asks what Bo really knows about Rainer. Bo's answer is that she broke his curse and that "he's a good guy." Acacia asks: "How?" Bo insists that she would know if Rainer was trying to kill her. Tamsin looks through a book and then slams it to the table as she tells Bo: "Let's see. Rainer right? Nothing. These books have every moment of our history in them and he is nowhere to be found." Tamsin again demands to know where Rainer is and after a long look between Bo, Tamsin and Acacia, Bo turns away, takes her coat and tells them they are the experts and so they need to find out who is raising the dead. Tamsin takes the cut-off revenant head as Bo starts the search to prove that Rainer wasn't behind the attempt to kill her. As the three leave, Kenzi enters the room and moans: "Guys! Unbelievable! Seriously, would I leave a dead body on the floor if her boyfriend was coming over?"

The scene then switches to Trick (Richard Howland) who is in his lair and looking at the image of The Wanderer as a winged horse that he had been looking at in the past several times. As he does so, Vex (Paul Amos) enters and Trick hides the painting away before he turns his attention to Vex. After greeting Vex and thanking him for visiting, Vex asks Trick why he isn't out among the Fae "restoring the faith" and "spreading the word that the Una Mens are dead." Trick replies: "Still drafting my condolences." When Vex comments that Trick's answer wasn't what he was expecting from the acting leader of the Light Fae, Trick replies: "I used to be a King. I didn't do that well either I'm afraid." Vex laughs at this saying that everyone knows the tales of Trick's "long and glorious reign." Trick replies: "History is written by the victors." Vex tells Trick: "History is written in blood" and then recites "And so he rode on his noble steed and cut down the vile insurgent thus ending the rebellion and bringing peace to the land." Trick is silent for a long moment and then says: "No matter what I did. Rainer always had an answer. Always ten steps ahead. His gift is foresight. I had no choice but to use my blood. I wrote that his armies betrayed him." Vex asks: "He was evil wasn't he?" Trick replies: "Just defiant. Like my Granddaughter." Vex replies with a smile: "Yeah, well, I can't argue with that." Trick continues: "There is real evil in the world Vex. Real terrors. The Garuda was evil." Trick sighs and looks at the artwork he had been looking at before and sighs: "The Priapus. That's real evil." Trick then offers the art to Vex who looks at it and comments in disbelief: "The Priapus? Come on, bat winged horse? Honestly? You've got a better chance at meeting Godzilla!" Trick sighs: "Should have been a better King." Vex pauses, then tells Trick: "Well, who among us haven't regrets." Vex then admits to Trick that he betrayed his own family to save his own life. Trick tells Vex that his father was one of the bravest men that Trick had ever known. Vex does not believe this, saying that his father was only a fisherman and that Trick could not possibly know him. Trick reveals: He was my best General. He was a hero." Vex does not believe this, telling Trick: "No. My father believed that kids should be seen and not heard. He never liked my jokes. He never liked me at all. I never knew my father. And that suited him just fine." Trick hands Vex a flask and asks: "What do you want to know?"

Meanwhile, Kenzi is at home, cleaning the long knife that Bo had used to try and kill the revenant who had attacked her. There is a knock at the door and calls out: "Hey hopefully not a dead dude but an absoulious sex machine!" But when Kenzi opens the door she sighs: "Oh my God Dimitri (Ian Matthews)." who is her cousin. When Kenzi asks what he is doing there, he answers: "We came to see you." He then asks about a "69 yellow Camero" and if it is Kenzi's. Kenzi says it isn't her's and then Dimitri tells someone on the phone he is holding: "Eh. Call it off." When Kenzi asks what Dimitri means by we, a woman (Linda Kash) then appears from around the corner which shocks Kenzi and all she can do is whisper: "Mom."

Elsewhere, Bo, Tamsin and Acacia arrive at a place that Tamsin calls: "A place that people go to when they don't want to be found." Acacia adds: "Or to find someone to carry out their dirty work." Bo again insists that Rainer was not responsible for the attack, but Acacia is unconvinced of this. Acacia asks Bo: "Tell me, what's the weather like in Rainer-land? Dark and stormy? Sunny and shady?" Bo warns Acacia to back off and Tamsin asks that they stop fighting an focus on finding "The Cult of the Dead" so they can find some answers. As they walk through the crowds, there are screams and the crowd parts to reveal another revenant is approaching them. Acacia comments: "Oh look, your boyfriend sent a grunting telegram." Bo again tells Acacia that this is not Rainer's doing and turns to face the revenant as it points at Bo.

Returning from a commercial break, Bo is about to face off against the revenant. She tosses her knife into the air and then says: "Heads it is" as she moves towards it. However, before she can do anything, Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) appears and dispatches the revenant, ending the threat. Dyson turns to Bo and comments: "Sorry I'm late. Traffic was a bitch."

Kenzi in the meantime is trying to deal with her cousin and her mother visiting. Dimitri asks if Kenzi needs a new fridge, telling Kenzi that he can: "Get you a good price on this vending machine." Kenzi warns Dimitri to stop selling her stuff and Kenzi's mother insists that Dimitri is only trying to help, but Kenzi tells her mother: "Last time he tried to help someone stole my identity." Dimitri claims this was a misunderstanding and then warns Kenzi that if she receives phone calls about bad cheques it might be a good idea to leave town which upsets Kenzi greatly. When Kenzi's mother asks them to stop yelling, Kenzi reminds them that: "All we do in this family is yell." Kenzi then asks her mother where she has been, but before she can answer Hale (K.C. Collins) enters the room. In a panic, Kenzi rushes over and tries to explain to Hale that her family just showed up and she adds: "I'm nothing like them. She's only my mother by birth." Hale then tells Kenzi: "It's okay. I invited them!" In an outraged voice Kenzi answers: "You did this to me?"

In the meantime, Acacia comments to Tamsin: "Harvey is going to be happy to see us." Tamsin replies: "Well. I hunted down his mom like a dog and delivered her to hecuba prison so..." Acacia tells Tamsin to wait outside. As this happens, Bo thanks Dyson for being there for her, but Dyson explains: "Well, my partner called." Tamsin then interrupts Bo and Dyson, telling Bo that she and Dyson are going to go talk to the "locals" and that Bo should go with Acacia. After Bo leaves, Dyson sarcastically thanks Tamsin as they go in another direction.

Acacia and Bo enter a warehouse where Acacia comments: "So you are the one that convinced my Tamsin she could be more." When Bo asks: "Something wrong with that?" Acacia replies: "Absolutely nothing." Bo comments that Tamsin seems to love Acacia, but warns Acacia that if she gets on the wrong side of her that she will: "Not leave enough Chi in you to turn and cough." Acacia tells Bo: "All I did was side with The Wanderer because I had no choice. Sound familiar?" Before the conversation can continue, there is a voice from the darkness that comments: "Well, well, if it isn't my favourite ball busting over accessorized Valkyrie. So when did you trade in bitchy and blonde for brunette with bouncy Christmas hams?" Acacia greets him as Harvey (Scott McCord) and wonders if he is really still mad at Tamsin for: "Hog-tying your mother cause your mother is really fat and she kind of had no choice." Harvey replies that should Acacia see Tamsin that she tell Tamsin that: "she can make it up to me with a little spit and elbow grease." Acacia then slams Harvey's head to a tabletop and then places the revenant head there as well, telling Harvey that she wants to know: "Who owns the head Harvey." When Acacia reaches for her sword, Bo tells her: "I have this" and then uses her powers in an attempt to make Harvey answer the question. When Bo says her name, Harvey seems to be aware of who she is, and knows that Bo is a Succubus. When Bo asks him to give her the answers, he replies: "I would do anything for you and I'd do anything to you." Bo releases Harvey and then he takes some blood from the severed head, pouring it into a glass and then goes about tasting the blood in a fashion similar to that of a wine taster. He explains that the only way to gain power over a revenant is to drink their blood. It also can tell who has power over a revenant at that moment. As Harvey continues to sample the blood, Bo tells him to finish before she becomes ill and he finally tells Bo: "Yeah. It ain't one of mine." When Bo presses for more information, Harvey answers: "This dead belongs to her" meaning Acacia.

After yet another commercial,

Questions in this Episode

  • Bo's apology to Kenzi at the beginning of the episode seemed to be not very true and real at least from how Kenzi took it. Is that a sign that someone or something is controlling Bo or altering her way of thinking?
  • Kenzi's mother's name is never revealed. So what is it?
  • What could possibly suggest to Hale that having Kenzi's mother and cousin be there when he proposed to Kenzi knowing as he must that Kenzi's relationship with her mother is not a good one?
  • It seems that everyone knows that Bo was responsible for the death of the Una Mens, does this mean that Bo will be a target of Fae that supported them or the followers of the Una Mens?

Answers in this Episode

  • Acacia was not killed in Delinquents in which Tamsin assumed that Acacia's severed hand being delivered to her meant that Acacia had been killed because she could not make Tamsin complete the mission she had been hired for, that being finding Bo and sending her to The Wanderer.
  • A revenant is a dead Fae risen from the dead to settle old scores. The revenant real world myth is a visible ghost or animated corpse that was believed to return from the grave to terrorize the living. You can find out more about this myth here.
  • According to Harvey, the only way to gain power over a revenant is to drink their blood. It also can tell who has power over a revenant at that moment.
  • Acacia apparently is no longer a bounty hunter but hunts revenants.
  • Acacia's missing hand was recreated by Massimo is a fashion that can be assumed to be similar to that which was used to replace The Morrigan's missing eye by him.
  • In Greek mythology, Priapus or Priapos, was a minor rustic fertility god, protector of livestock, fruit plants, gardens and male genitalia. You can find out more about this myth here.
  • Vex admitted to Trick that he was responsible for the deaths of his own family when he betrayed them to save his own life.
  • Trick told Vex that Vex's father was one of the bravest men he had ever known.
  • Vex believed that his father was a fisherman and that Trick, as the Blood King, could not have possibly known of him.
  • Vex also said of his father that: "My father believed that kids should be seen and not heard. He never liked my jokes. He never liked me at all. I never knew my father. And that suited him just fine."
  • Dimitri once tried to help Kenzi and as a result Kenzi's identity was stolen.
  • Tamsin hunted down Harvey's mother and put her in prison.
  • Acacia claims that she had no choice but to side with The Wanderer in the past.


For a more detailed list see: List of Lost Girl episodes, or click on the individual episode titles for more in depth articles.


Episode Review on Succubus.Net

Tera, the owner of this website, posted a review of this episode on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on January 31st, 2014. You can find that review here. She gave it 3.4 pitchforks out of 5.

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