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Like Hell, Part II

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Lost Girl Series Article
Black background with slender sans-serif words "LOST GIRL" amid curving wisps of bluish-white fog resembling long hair, and the more solid curve of a female form laying on its side.
Episode Article

Lost Girl Series Articles

Lost Girl Series Characters

Lost Girl Series Episodes
"Like Hell, Part II"
Lost Girl episode
Kenzi wishes Bo well as she leaves Bo
and the world of the Fae behind
Episode no. Season 5
Episode 2
Overall Episode 63
Directed by Paolo Barzman
Written by Emily Andras
Produced by Wendy Grean
Featured Music See Section Below
Cinematography by Craig Wright
Editing by Paul Day
Production Code 502
Original Air Date December 14, 2014 (2014-12-14)
Length 60 minutes (runtime)
Guest Actors

Ksenia Solo - Kenzi
Rachel Skarsten - Tamsin
Katie Corbett - Stacey
Hannah Anderson - Persephone
Alex Appel - Puca
Amanda Walsh - TBA

Episode Chronology
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"Like Hell, Part I"
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"Oroka Mojo"

Short Summary List of Lost Girl Episodes
Detailed List of Lost Girl episodes

Bo encounters her Stepmother, finds her way back to Earth and then has to say goodbye to Kenzi once more

SuccuWiki Rating: 3.0 (3.0)

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Lost Girl is a Canadian developed and produced television series which premiered in the 2010 season on the television channel Showcase.

For further on Bo, the succubus of the series, see her article in the SuccuWiki here. For the series itself, see that article here. For a general discussion of Succubi and their mythos in the series, see that article here.

Like Hell, Part II was the second episode of the fifth season of the series, and the sixty-third overall episode of the Canadian television series Lost Girl. It was first shown on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada on December 14, 2014 at 9 PM Eastern time.

Production Data

  • Series: Lost Girl
  • Season: 5
  • Episode Number: 2 (63rd Overall)
  • Episode Title: Like Hell, Part II
  • Directed by: Paolo Barzman
  • Writing credits: Emily Andras
  • Production Company: Prodigy Pictures
  • Running Time: 60 Minutes (Including Commercials)
  • Country of Origin: Canada
  • Originally Aired on: December 14, 2014 on the Showcase Television Channel in Canada
  • Number of Canadian Viewers: TBA
  • Number of American Viewers: TBA


A promotional Image of the Season Five cast of Lost Girl from the official website at showcase.ca/lostgirl From left to right: Richard Howland as Trick, Rachel Skarsten as Tamsin, Anna Silk as Bo, Kristen Holden-Reid as Dyson and Zoie Palmer as Lauren.
Actor / Actress Role
Anna Silk Bo
Kristen Holden-Ried Dyson
Ksenia Solo Kenzi
Richard Howland Trick
Zoie Palmer Lauren
Rachel Skarsten Tamsin
Katie Corbett Stacey
Hannah Anderson Persephone
Alex Appel Puca
Amanda Walsh TBA

Music in this Episode

Song Title Artist Notes
Cold Sweat Band Of Skulls Written by Emma Richardson,
Russell Marsden
and Matt Hayward
Dance To The Bassline Courtesy of APM Music
Never Going Back Carmanah Written by Laura Mina Mitic


Short Summary

Bo arrives in her Father’s realm and encounters her Stepmother, Persephone, who is the wife of Hades. Through her Bo finds that she was born in Hel, and some of the truths about her mother Aife. Bo confronts her Father, but after a brief shadowy encounter, escapes to the Gates where Dyson helps her return to Earth. Kenzi is rescued from her grave by Lauren and Dyson. Lauren and Kenzi perform a seance, attempting to contact Bo and bring her home, but find the spirit they contact is not Bo. Stacey, the Valkyrie from the previous episode, encounters Dyson who attempts to distract her by diverting her attention towards Vex, calling him Bo’s lover, but she finds Kenzi and Lauren, seeking Lauren’s soul, but her attempt is thwarted by Tamsin. At the end of the episode, Kenzi tells Bo that she needs to leave, and a gift from Hale allows her to leave for Spain, leaving Bo and the Fae behind. It is revealed that Evony is no longer The Morrigan and it seems that the Fae are losing their Light or Dark alliances as there seems to be no Ash as well. Bo lights Persephone’s candle which she brought to Earth with her, which seems to draw to Earth a dark spirit that possesses someone elsewhere.

Detailed Summary

The episode opens with a recap of the previous episode including: Bo discovering Kenzi in her hotel room in Valhalla, The Helskor merging with Bo's feet, then Bo vanishing in front of Lauren as Dyson reads from Tamsin's diary about what the one wearing the Helskor will be able to do. Bo arriving in Valhalla, then accompanying Kenzi to her wedding as Trick explains that souls are sent to different realms and Bo wondering if she and Kenzi where in Heaven rather than Hel. Freya telling Kenzi that she belonged to Bo's father, Bo taking her place and then being sent away, Bo seen in the elevator as she travels to her father and Trick commenting that someone wants Bo to bring Hell on Earth. Dyson is shown forcing open the Gates to Valhalla as Lauren's possessed voice tells of Kenzi being sent back to her body, then Kenzi is shown lighting a match, trapped in her grave.

The episode begins with an image of Kenzi's grave marker and the sound of Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) screaming for help. Kenzi is then seen in her coffin, banging on the lid and continuing to scream for help, adding: "What the fudge man! I was a beautiful bride enjoying unlimited wealth and bar privileges and now I'm stuck in my own grave!" After banging on the lid a bit more, Kenzi begins to hyperventilate and she tries to calm herself down by telling herself: "It's okay, you can do this K-star, this is cosey." Then the match she is holding goes out and as darkness falls she begins to whisper "No... no... no..." Kenzi lights another match and continues: "It's okay. You love to lay down. It's a nap. A dirt nap! For ever and ever! Oh for the love of.... HELP!" and then Kenzi bangs at the lid of the coffin again as the match goes out again, but at the same time there is a scratching noise that begins nearby and the voices of Dyson (Kristen Holden-Ried) and Lauren (Zoie Palmer) can be heard calling out her name and Kenzi screams back in answer to them.

Lauren and Dyson are then seen rolling Kenzi on a stretcher into the clinic that Lauren had been seen working in the episode before. Kenzi is delirious as Dyson and Lauren tend to her, Kenzi telling Lauren that: "I've never been so happy to see your stuck up mug in all of my life." Kenzi looks at Dyson's fingers which are covered in dirt and tells him: "Did you bother to get a man-mani like I taught you? Just cause i died... God do I even want to look at your feet?" Lauren looks at a piece of broken pottery and then returns her attention to Kenzi as Dyson tells Kenzi: "It's good to have you back" and Kenzi asks Lauren: "You dug? With a shovel. Dyson on the other hand..." Kenzi makes digging motions with her hands as Lauren continues: "Took me back, you know I used to have a Schnauzer..." Dyson helps Kenzi up and then asks Kenzi where Bo is. Kenzi explains that Bo "traded herself for me" and when Lauren asks to who Bo traded herself to, Kenzi does not answer as the scene ends.

Bo (Anna Silk) is seen laying on the elevator floor as the door opens, Bo then leaving the elevator to find herself in a dark world of shadows. Stepping out of the elevator, Bo finds Kenzi's wedding bouquet and calls out Kenzi's name as she looks around to find that she is beside a old fountain that has no water in it and a series of doorways and passages in front of her. Bo calls out, but there is no answer save for the echoing of her voice and she wonders: "What the hell is this?" As she approaches one of the entrances to what seems to be a maze she calls out: "I never was any good at mazes. Maybe because you never taught me how. Let's make up for some lost time... Shall we?... Dad." Bo then chooses one of the passage and enters, the area then being revealed to be a vast endless maze in front of her.

After the very brief opening sequence theme, the episodes continues with Lauren examining Kenzi. Kenzi complaining as Lauren checks her eyes: "Seriously, how bright does that have to be? They're eyeballs move on!" Lauren asks Kenzi if she has any idea where Bo is but Kenzi explains that she was taken by the Valkyries well before she could see exactly what happened to Bo and asks what they should do to help Bo. Lauren tells Kenzi that she wants to be sure that Kenzi is okay first, telling Kenzi that Dyson is "likely already back at the Gates by now making sure they stay open for Bo." Lauren then walks over to a counter to take another device to check Kenzi and then complains that a new nurse has put some of her equipment in the wrong places. Lauren then returns to Kenzi and when Kenzi sees what Lauren has in her hand warns: "Touch me with that and you'll need a new nose." Lauren explains that all she has is a tongue depressor to which Kenzi replies: "My tongue is perfectly pressed. I've gotten maj compliments about it. Seriously, I'm fine! Do I need to prancersize around your fancy office to prove it?" Lauren begs Kenzi: "It's only a checkup could you please... just... please?" as she motions for Kenzi to get back on the examination table again, but warns Lauren: "You can check me up all you want but without the Doctor Giggles tools." When Lauren takes Kenzi's hand, Kenzi exclaims: "Crikey! Your hands are colder than a Yeti's snow nads!" Lauren replies: "If it sounds like Kenzi and it looks like Kenzi... Your heart, it's racing." Kenzi then begins to shake which worries Lauren, but Kenzi exclaims: "I'm Russian! I shake!" and then Kenzi tells Lauren she needs a drink and starts looking for some in Lauren's lab, asking Lauren if she has any "Prescription Vodka set aside for courage?" Lauren removes a flask from a cabinet with the comment: "Do Yeti's chill their nads on ice?" and Kenzi replies: "Did I mention how happy I am to see you?" As Lauren opens the flask she replies: "Twice." Kenzi thanks Lauren for not removing her liver for science and Lauren replies: "Science couldn't take the hangover." Lauren asks Kenzi if she knew that Bo never stopped looking for a way to get to Kenzi and Kenzi tells Lauren that Bo will be fine, that she can feel it inside and it's like Bo is right there in the room with them. As Kenzi and Lauren take a drink, across the lab a beaker slides off a countertop and falls to the floor with a crash. This makes them both pause and look around in confusion, wondering if Bo is there in the room with them, Kenzi adding that the room has suddenly become very cold. There is a squeaking noise which draws their attention to a glass cabinet door on which the word help is written. Kenzi exclaims that Bo is a "MotherFae'n ghost" and Lauren in confusion agrees, then Kenzi adds: "More vodka" as they both down their drinks.

Meanwhile at the Gates to Valhalla, Stacey (Katie Corbett) arrives and makes her way to the Gates, intending to close them, but Dyson intervenes and stops her, warning: "I wouldn't do that." Stacey looks at Dyson and comments: "Unless you are some kind of bearded Valkyrie I haven't heard of, you shouldn't even be seeing this." Dyson replies: "I've seen a lot of things I shouldn't have. But if you close this gate you might not see anything again." Stacey is unimpressed by this and warns Dyson: "I think you are confusing who can hurt who here." Stacey then threatens to call the other Valkyrie, and Dyson replies: "If they look anything like you. be my guest." Stacey introduces herself, and as Dyson kisses her hand, he reveals his name to her. Stacey then reveals that this is the first time she has been away from Valhalla in decades and when Dyson asks what her assignment is, Stacey reveals that she needs: "a soul to replace this pocket Russian human." Dyson is confused as asks how it is that Stacey can take just any soul to which she replies: "Since the unaligned Succubus upset the balance of Valhalla." When she sees that Dyson reacts to this, Stacey comments: "You know her don't you?" Dyson replies: "Everyone knows the unaligned Succubus." Stacey then reveals to Dyson that she needs to find a soul that is close to Bo's heart at Freya's request. When Stacey asks: "Where is your heart? Do you love her?" Dyson replies: "I don't even know her. Not really. But I know who does." Stacey tells Dyson that she didn't want to kill him anyway and after Dyson thanks her, Stacey adds: "Holy Odin, your jawline is insanely distracting." When Stacey starts to leave, Dyson offers to help her noting that he "knows this territory inside and out." Stacey agrees and the two leave, the Gates left open by Dyson as they do so.

Bo is seen walking through the maze and as she does so, there is the sound of Kenzi crying around her. begging for Bo's help. Bo yells that there was a deal and that Kenzi was supposed to be safe as she darts around looking for Kenzi. Kenzi's crying turns into laughter and then a mix of voices surrounds Bo, they being of Dyson, Lauren and others which all play upon Bo's fears and concerns. The voices still for a moment and Bo hears something move past her, she calling out: "Who's there?" Bo realizes that the voices are all a trick to confuse her and she comments that it will not work, but then something strikes her in the leg and when she looks to see what has happened, she is bleeding there. When Bo looks up, a creature is there with her that taunts: "You just got bitchsnacked."

After the first commercial break,

Questions in this Episode

Answers in this Episode


For a more detailed list see: List of Lost Girl episodes, or click on the individual episode titles for more in depth articles.


Episode Review on Succubus.Net

Tera, the owner of this website, posted a review of this episode on her Blog, A Succubi's Tale on December 19, 2014. You can find that review here. She gave it 3.0 pitchforks out of 5.

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